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Geocoding Typeahead

The Geocoding Typeahead API uses a text search to suggest Town, City, State and Postcode/ZIP Codes. When one of these is selected by the end user, a subsequent request (using the associated address ID) can be made to retrieve the latitude and longitude for the location.

The Global Geocoding API currently supports an initial set of 17 countries, with more scheduled for inclusion in the near future. See the 'List of available countries' section for details of which territories are available.

Text searches using the "Input" field are always free. This method will consume credit per "addressID" search and co-ordinates returned.

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Base URL

Note: we don't support API connections using HTTP - all calls should use HTTPS.


Note: A REST endpoint with a JSON payload is the only call style supported.

Input search

An Input search is used to take a string input and provide suggested location responses. This can be triggered after each key stroke from your end user.

Each request to the web service requires a number of parameters, all of which are listed below. All requests require a key which can be generated in your account.

Note: where potentially sensitive data is used in these parameters, remember to make the request as secure as possible.


Request parameters: Input search

Key Required string The key used to authenticate with the service. For example: "AA11-AA11-AA11-AA11".
Input Required string The search text to find. This can be a Town, City, State, Postcode or ZIP Code. Requests made using this as an input will be free.
Countries Required string A comma separated list of ISO2 or ISO3 country codes (e.g. GB or GBR). This will limit the search to those countries.
Limit Optional integer The maximum number of results that will be returned. If not set this will default to 7. The maximum possible value is 100.
Types Optional string The types that you want to be returned in the response. Valid types are Locality | Postcode | AdministrativeArea. This can be set to include multiple types (comma separated). For example, passing "Postcode" will only return Postcode results; passing "Locality, Postcode" will return both Locality and Postcode.
Origin Optional string A starting location for the search. This can be the name or ISO 2 or 3 character code of a country, WGS84 coordinates (comma separated) or IP address to search from.


Example request: Input search

Add your API key into the code below for a sample Input search request:


Content-Type: application/json


The response from the web service is a table with the specification below. Where no items are found, the response will be empty (although all endpoints specify the columns). If an error occurs, the response will not follow this format. Instead the response will be an error table.

Response fields: Input search

ID string The unique identifier for a returned location. For example: "VE_CiVlgwok_QT1BPT4_QT1FP0U-PT5Dwok_QD0". This can be used in a subsequent "addressID" search to return co-ordinates for the location.
Text string The first half of the result that's displayed to the user. For example, if the returned location is "Worcester, Worcestershire" then Text will display "Worcester".
Type string The type of location returned. Possible values include: SuperAdministrativeArea |AdministrativeArea | SubAdministrativeArea | Locality | DependentLocality | DoubleDependentLocality | Postcode
Description string The second half of the location that's displayed to the user, featuring the broader geographic area. For example, if the returned location is "Worcester, Worcestershire" then Description will display "Worcestershire" as this is the larger geographic area.
Highlight string A list of number ranges showing which characters in the Text and Description fields match the user's search term. This can be used to determine which characters should be highlighted in bold in the search field, to give the user a visual representation of what's being searched.


  • Highlight ranges are expressed as 'X-Y' where highlighting should start from character position X and go up to but not including character position Y
  • Characters start from position 0
  • Commas separate numbers within a single field, while a semicolon separates numbers in Text from numbers in Description
  • Spaces are counted as characters
  • If no characters in Text should be highlighted, the string will start with a semicolon
Take the example "0-4, 7; 1-4" - this indicates that characters 0, 1, 2, 3 and 7 in the Text field should be highlighted, and also characters 1, 2 and 3 in the Description field.
Language string Currently will always return blank.
Country string The full name of the country the location is in, as per the ISO 3166-1 standard. Intended for display purposes if you want to present this to the customer.

Example response: Input search

    "Items": [
            "Id": "VE_CiVlgwok_QT1BPT4_QT1FP0U-PT5Dwok_QD0",
            "Text": "Worcester",
            "Type": "Locality",
            "Description": "Worcestershire",
            "Highlight": "0-9;0-9",
            "Language": "",
            "Country": "United Kingdom"
            "Id": "VE_CiVlgwok_QT1BPT4_QT1FP0U-PT5Dwok-Pz9B",
            "Text": "Worcester Park",
            "Type": "Locality",
            "Description": "Surrey",
            "Highlight": "0-9",
            "Language": "",
            "Country": "United Kingdom"
            "Id": "VE_CiVlgwok_QT1BPT4_QT1FP0U-PT5Dwok-RUFGRURC",
            "Text": "Worcester Park",
            "Type": "DoubleDependentLocality",
            "Description": "Sutton, London",
            "Highlight": "0-9",
            "Language": "",
            "Country": "United Kingdom"
            "Id": "VE_CiVlgwok_QT1BPT4_QT1FP0U-PT5DwolAPg",
            "Text": "Worcestershire",
            "Type": "AdministrativeArea",
            "Description": "",
            "Highlight": "0-9",
            "Language": "",
            "Country": "United Kingdom"


AddressID search

An addressID search is used to take an ID returned from an Input search and provide co-ordinates and additional location details in its response. This can be triggered after the user selects a suggested location.

Each request to the web service requires a number of parameters, all of which are listed below. All requests require a key which can be generated in your account.

Note: where potentially sensitive data is used in these parameters, remember to make the request as secure as possible.


Request parameters: addressID search

Key Required string The Loqate key used to authenticate with the service. For example: "AA11-AA11-AA11-AA11".
addressID Required string The unique identifier for a location, as provided in a previous Input search. For example: "VE_CiVlgwok_QT1BPT4_QT1FP0U-PT5Dwok_QD0". Requests made with this parameter will return co-ordinates and be charged.


Example request: addressID search

Add your API key into the code below for a sample addressID search request:


Content-Type: application/json

The response from the web service is a table with the specification below. Where no items are found, the response will be empty (although all endpoints specify the columns). If an error occurs, the response will not follow this format. Instead the response will be an error table.

Response fields: addressID search

ID string The unique identifier for a returned location. For example: "VE_CiVlgwok_QT1BPT4_QT1FP0U-PT5Dwok_QD0".
Type string The type of location returned. Currently these will only return as "Address" but this will be expanded to include other types such as Postcode, Town etc.
Location string An array containing the Latitude and Longitude co-ordinates for the given location. For example:

"Location": {
                "Latitude": 52.190645170996554
                "Longitude": -2.2210694521417644
Language string The ISO code of the display language for a result (for example: "ENG" to represent English).
SuperAdministrativeArea string The largest administrative district within a country, if applicable (most countries only use AdministrativeArea).
AdministrativeArea string The most common administrative district within a country (i.e. US State or UK County).
SubAdministrativeArea string In the US this can be used to define a county within a state or a sub area of a city.
Locality string The most common population centre within a country (i.e. USA City, Canadian Municipality).
DependentLocality string A smaller population centre, dependent on the contents of the Locality field (i.e. District). Can only be present if Locality is present.
DoubleDependentLocality string A locality within a Dependent locality.
Postcode string The full postal code of the address (i.e. Postcode, ZIP Code, etc.).
Thoroughfare string The name of the street or thoroughfare. Will only display for UK postcodes.
OrganisationName string Currently will always return blank.
Department string Currently will always return blank.
DependentThoroughfare string Currently will always return blank.
BuildingName string Currently will always return blank.
SubBuilding string Currently will always return blank.
SubBuildingFloor string Currently will always return blank.
Number string Currently will always return blank.


Example response: addressID search

    "Items": [
            "Id": "VE_CiVlgwok_QT1BPT4_QT1FP0U-PT5Dwok_QD0",
            "Type": "Locality",
            "Language": "",
            "Location": {
                "Latitude": 52.190625816038995,
                "Longitude": -2.2210952705813876
            "DependentThoroughfare": "",
            "DependentLocality": "",
            "OrganisationName": "",
            "SuperAdministrativeArea": "",
            "DoubleDependentLocality": "",
            "Thoroughfare": "",
            "AdministrativeArea": "Worcestershire",
            "BuildingName": "",
            "SubAdministrativeArea": "",
            "Locality": "Worcester",
            "Postcode": "",
            "Department": "",
            "SubBuilding": "",
            "SubBuildingFloor": "",
            "Number": "",
            "Country": "United Kingdom",
            "Iso2": "GB",
            "Iso3": "GBR",
            "AdditionalFields": {
                "Easting": 384986,
                "Northing": 254735


Below are the errors which are specific to this web service. If an error occurs, an error table like the one below will be returned. To check for an error response, test for a 4-column table with columns "Error", "Description", "Cause" and "Resolution" containing a single row.

Here's a generic example, for reference:

    "Items": [
            "Error": "2",
            "Description": "Unknown key",
            "Cause": "The key you are using to access the service was not found.",
            "Resolution": "Please check that the key is correct. It should be in the form AA11-AA11-AA11-AA11."

For a list of errors applicable to all APIs, have a look at the list of common errors.

Number Description Cause Resolution
1001 Unsupported HttpMethod The HttpMethod has been set incorrectly Check which method you used - only GET and POST are acceptable.
1002 Bad Request Data Missing parameters in the request. The Input parameter and Countries parameter are required - try again with these included.
1003 Invalid Country Code Invalid Country Code. The Countries code parameter should be ISO2 or ISO3 - check to make sure you're using a correct code, and try again.
2002 ProviderFailure Internal Server Error. Please try again later. Internal Server Error. Please try again later.
2007 Id Invalid The Id parameter supplied was invalid. Check to make sure the ID you're using is valid (note that IDs do not persist indefinitely) and try again.

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List of available countries

The Geocoding Typeahead API currently supports the following countries:

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ISO Code Country Name
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
ES Spain
FR France
GB United Kingdom
HU Hungary
IE Ireland
IT Italy
JP Japan
KR Republic of Korea
NL The Netherlands
PL Poland
PT Portugal
RO Romania
SI Slovenia
SK Slovakia
US United States


Use of geocodes/addresses

Use of the output of the Global Geocoding API is temporary, and only for use as part of a Store Finder. It is not permitted to index or store results for other purposes, such as use in a checkout process. For further information please see Loqate Terms and Conditions.

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