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Consuming Premium Data Sets

There are a series of extra datasets available via our address capture services. As these datasets are covered by separate terms and agreements they will need to be activated on your account for you, please get in touch if you are interested in taking advantage of any of our premium datasets.

There are a few approaches you can take in consuming these extra datasets, and which one is appropriate depends on how you want to integrate with the service.

Direct Via the API


Your extra dataset can be activated by us as a setting on the key itself. This means that the selected API key will always return data from the selected dataset. Alternatively, you can use any API key from your account and specify the dataset required via a parameter on the request.

Note: If a premium dataset is requested using an API key from an account that does not have that dataset enabled, the request will fail.

If the dataset has not been enabled on the key itself, you will need to add the datasets parameter to the find request. The following example requests the Business dataset be used for this find request: 3da&Datasets=gb_db

The find request will then continue as normal using the Business data as its dataset. Once the user selects an address from the list you will pass the Id of that address into the retrieve request as per a normal flow.


Each premium dataset contains certain extra fields that are available in addition to the standard fields provided by a retrieve request. By default, if you use an Id from a premium dataset find request, the retrieve will still only return the standard set of fields. In order to retrieve these special fields, you will need to supply field format strings for them into the FieldFormat Parameters of a retrieve request. These fields are in the style of FieldXFormat, with X being the number of that field. The requested field will then be returned in the corresponding response field, FieldX.

A normal field format will be in the style of {FIELDNAME}.

For example, in order to retrieve the Company number from the Business dataset you would use the following request:{CompanyNumber}

This would return the the Company number in the returned property Field1.

The retrieve request is limited to 20 Field Format fields by default. Should you require more fields than this you will need to specify a fields property along with your field formats that will set the number of extra fields to respond with, for example:{CompanyNumber}......................&Field21Format={TelephoneNumber}&Fields=21

Using the JavaScript SDK

If you are using our JavaScript SDK to make requests to the service, as outlined in our advanced guide, you can enable premium datasets via the options object used in the construction of the control object, e.g.:

var options = {
    key: 'AA11-AA11-AA11',
    search: {
        datasets: ['gb_db']
    advancedFields: [

The same restrictions apply to the datasets as apply when directly integrating via API.

Using the simple setup

If you are using our simple setup wizard to install your lookup control you can specify the field formats directly in the field mapping control using the field format syntax, {FIELDFORMAT}.


  • Utilities Standard/Premium
    • "UDPRN"
    • "UMRRN"
    • "ParentUDPRN"
    • "MPANPostcode"
    • "MPRNPostcode"
    • "DeliveryPointSuffix"
    • "MPANCount"
    • "MPRNCount"
    • "FuelFlag"
    • "LargeGasUser"
    • "EnergyUseOnly"

    And then each of these post-fixed with 1 - 20:

    • "MPRN"
    • "MPAN"
    • "GasMeterSerial"
    • "ElectricMeterSerial"
    • "GSPID"
    • "ElectricMeterType"
    • "MPANTopLine"
  • Business Data
    • "CompanyNumber",
    • "TelephoneNumber",
    • "UK2003Code",
    • "SICCode",
    • "SICDescription",
    • "LineOfBusiness",
    • "EmployeesAtCompany",
    • "EmployeesAtSite",
    • "LocationIndicator",
    • "Sales",
    • "YearStarted",
    • "Executive1Function",
    • "Executive1FirstName",
    • "Executive1Surname",
    • "Executive1Saluation",
    • "Executive2Function",
    • "Executive2FirstName",
    • "Executive2Surname",
    • "Executive2Saluation",
    • "Executive3Function",
    • "Executive3FirstName",
    • "Executive3Surname",
    • "Executive3Saluation",
    • "Executive4Function",
    • "Executive4FirstName",
    • "Executive4Surname",
    • "Executive4Saluation",
    • "Executive5Function",
    • "Executive5FirstName",
    • "Executive5Surname",
    • "Executive5Saluation",
    • "Executive6Function",
    • "Executive6FirstName",
    • "Executive6Surname",
    • "Executive6Saluation",
    • "Executive7Function",
    • "Executive7FirstName",
    • "Executive7Surname",
    • "Executive7Saluation",
    • "Executive8Function",
    • "Executive8FirstName",
    • "Executive8Surname",
    • "Executive8Saluation",
  • Geo+
    • "PropertyType",
    • "UPRN",
    • "UDPRN",
    • "UMRRN",
    • "Owning_UDPRN",
    • "InferredParentUPRN",
    • "AddressKey",
    • "OrganisationKey",
    • "DPS",
    • "LargeSmallUserFlag",
    • "SmallOrganisationFlag",
    • "NotYetBuiltFlag",
    • "Eastings",
    • "Northings",
    • "Latitude",
    • "Longitude",
    • "UPRNDerivation",
    • "GeoDerivation",
    • "LinkedUDPRNs",
    • "LinkedUMRRNs",
    • "LinkedUPRNs",