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Data Maintenance - Post Processing

This guide is a technical document explaining what data variables we return to our customers post processing, our data transfer mechanism and what our HealthCheck is.

Returned data transfer

Data is provided to Loqate either via a managed SFTP or via the Account portal upload button (in essence a SFTP).

Data is returned via a managed SFTP only.

In the case where the data was submitted via the account section then a managed SFTP will be created for the return of data. To set up a managed SFTP, Loqate requires the name, email address and phone number of the individual who will be accessing the SFTP.

The standard is to return the data in the same format that it was sent. For example, if the data provided to Loqate was in CSV format, then it will returned this way.

Flexibility of Returned data

It is important that the data returned is in the format and layout that makes ingestion and action as easy as possible.

Therefore, Loqate can

  • Return the data in the file format of your choosing (e.g. pipe-delimited)
  • Return the variables in the order you specify (e.g postcode, add1, add2, town) although as standard we return the input variables unchanged, and add additional columns to the right of the file
  • Rename the column headers as required (e.g. add1 as opposed to GBG Address 1)
  • Alter the contents (e.g. replace a Y or null value, with a yes or no)

Data Maintenance HealthCheck report

Typically, the first output produced is the HealthCheck data quality report that will highlight the quality of the data against the industry-leading correction, suppression and enhancement files GBG possess.

This report is in PDF format and can be emailed.


Variables Returned by Loqate

Depending upon the services chosen, the output will consist of one or multiple of the below.

As noted earlier, the additional columns will be provided to the right of the input fields supplied for processing. These input fields will remain untouched, thus allowing you to compare your inputs to the outputs.

Field Notes Values
GASR (Gas Reactive) Forwarding Address Flag Yes
NCOA (National Change of Address) Forwarding Address Flag Yes
GBG Address 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Postcode The outputted address will be a corrected address, a standardised address, a forwarding address (if customer name & address matches GASR or NCOA) or an unchanged input address (e.g. address already correct, or address cannot be corrected)  
PAF Status Code Status Code PREM – the address is a full premise match (so match to PAF)
PCOD – postcode only matches
PART – a partial match
NOMA – no match possible
FORN – foreign, non-UK, address
Mortality (Mortascreen) Deceased Governmental (Probate) Records confidence score=10
Funeral Data confidence score=9
Insurance Data confidence score=8
Deceased Preference Service confidence score=7
NDR (National Deceased Register) Deceased Yes
Date of death (Optional)
Bereavement (The Bereavement Register) Deceased Yes
GAS (Gas Goneaways) Goneaway Yes
Absolute Movers Goneaway Yes
Remover Goneaway Yes
NCOA Suppress Goneaway Yes
MPS Flag (Mailing Preference Service) Goneaway Yes
Dedupe ID Identification of individual, family and household duplicates (or any single or combination of variables (e.g., email address only, surname plus telephone number). If no URN is provided, then GBG creates a sequential URN, for example GBG0000001. e.g. GBG0000001
Dedupe Individual Flag Identification of individual, family and household duplicates (or any single or combination of variables (e.g., email address only, surname plus telephone number). If no URN is provided, then GBG creates a sequential URN. Y
Dedupe Individual ID Identification of individual, family and household duplicates (or any single or combination of variables (e.g., email address only, surname plus telephone number). If no URN is provided, then GBG creates a sequential URN, for example GBG0000001. e.g. GBG0000001
Dedupe Premise Flag Identification of individual, family and household duplicates (or any single or combination of variables (e.g., email address only, surname plus telephone number). If no URN is provided, then GBG creates a sequential URN.  
GBG Landline Landline appended e.g. 01244999999
GBG Mobile Mobile appended e.g. 07810999999
BT OSIS TEL Tel appended e.g. 01244999999
BT OSIS EX-D Flag Flag appended Ex-D
TPS Flag Flag appended Yes
GBG Email Email appended
Email Validation Status Identification of valid & invalid email addresses Valid
Accept-all (i.e., catch-all)
Unknown (looks valid but domain didn’t respond in time)
Email Validation Reason Identification of valid & invalid email addresses EMAIL ADDRESS INVALID (represents a syntax error)
Email is disposable Identification of valid & invalid email addresses True
Email is role Identification of valid & invalid email addresses True
Landline Validation Code Identification of valid & invalid telephone numbers

0 - Software Invalidated
100 - Live Number
110 - Live Does not accept incoming calls
200 - Live Call barred
300 - Dead Number
310 - Ambiguous network response
400 - Invalid Number
500 - Number Changed
600 – Retry
610 - Retry - Unobtainable
620 - Retry - Number out of order
630 - Retry - Network out of order
640 - Retry - Congestion
650 - Retry - Equipment temporary failure
700 - No longer in service
730 – Look-up unavailable
740 – Submitted as landline but mobile detected

Mobile Validation Code Identification of valid & invalid mobile telephone numbers

0 - Software Invalidated
100 - Live Number
120 - Live - Mobile switched off
300 - Dead Number
400 - Invalid Number
600 – Retry
660 - Retry - Mobile Phone temporarily unavailable
700 – No Longer in service
730 – Look-up unavailable
750 – Submitted as mobile but landline detected

Other Services

Service Description Decodes
UK Address cleansing UDPRN UDPRN returned (8 digits)
Address Quality Flag Y flag to indicate an address outputted differs to that supplied
Additional PAD variables such as PostZon, DPS etc. Please ask for more details
Business Data To be appended to client records Company reg number
Company name
Primary 2007 SIC Code. - LUSC01
Primary 2003 SIC Code. - LUSC02
Dissolved / Removed / Live. - LUDF01
Liquidation / Receivership. - LULQ01
Adverse Flag – Administration Order. “Y” if set
Adverse Flag – Voluntary Agreement. “Y” if set
Adverse Flag – In Administration. “Y” if set
Adverse Flag – Receiver/Manager. “Y” if set
Latest Annual Return Date. DD/MM/YYYY
Charity Number (If applicable)
Company Type / Legal Status. - LUCT01
Company Registration Number
Registered Address line 1
Registered Address line 2
Registered Address line 3
Registered Address line 4
Registered Address Postcode
Telephone number
TPS Notification. “Y” if set
Web Address
Registered POBox
Registered Care Of Address
Reg Office Area Code
Company Registration Number
Previous Name
Date Of Change. DD/MM/YYYY
2003 SIC Codes. - LUSC02
2007 SIC Codes. - LUSC01
Company Registration Number
Previous Registered Address line 1
Previous Registered Address line 2
Previous Registered Address line 3
Previous Registered Address line 4
Previous Registered Address Postcode
Address change date
Company Registration Number
Row Rank
Principle Activity
Company Registration Number
Address Number
Trading Address 1
Trading Address 2
Trading Address 3
Trading Address 4
Trading Address Post Code
Trading STD code
Trading Telephone Number
Trading CTPS Flag
Registered Office Flag
Head Office Flag
Property Type
Company registration number
Cost of Sales
Gross Profit
No of Employees
Electoral Roll match No description I – Match achieved to forename and surname
K – Tolerance match achieved to forename and surname
K – Match achieved to forename, surname and 2nd initial
A – No match achieved but name found at address and added
N – No match achieved at this premise
Profanity No description Yes
CTPS Corporate Telephone Preference Service Yes
Insolvency No description Match legend
Practitioner firm
Practitioner address
Practitioner telephone number
Case number
Court number
Insolvency officer
Vulnerable properties No description Yes
Alerts Factual compliant data regarding the property and if it is withing the moving process Status (available for sale, available for rent, under offer, sold STC, rent agreed, undergoing conveyancing)
Sell price
Offer price
Rental price
Rental period (e.g. monthly)
Anticipated completion date
Land registry price paid Post-move data Date of move
Price paid
Type of building
Property Intelligence Over 50 household-level variables such as type of property, current value & number of rooms Property Intelligence User Guide
Email – more granular data Please ask for additional fields providing more granular detail post live email validation processing  
Email domain only validation Checks what is after the @ sign for syntax & domain name lookup Valid
Global mobile validation Additional variables available for specific countries Registered country MNC code
Current network MNC code
Current location
Halo Deceased dataset applicable for specific use case Yes
Date of death

International Address Cleansing

Global address cleansing and standardisation

Processing Flags Flag - Key
Process Code A – A record that has been automatically and successfully coded in a batch run
U - Not successfully coded in a Batch run, and has not saved manually using Manual
M - For a record that has been saved (coded or not) in an Interactive session
F - For a record in which a foreign town name was detected.
Match Status S - Address successfully coded
A - Address is ambiguous
I - Insufficient match result
N - Unable to identify town
E - An error occurred
F - A foreign town name was detected
Match Level O - Matched to organisation name level
P - Matched to premise level
S - Matched to street level
T - Matched to town level
N - No match
Output Status V – Verified
C – Corrected