AddressBase Premium Codes
Logical Status Code
Definition: the Logical Status reflects where the BLPU/LPI has reached in its life cycle. Logical status is important in identification of the addresses' requirements, for example, whether it is an alternative address or an historic address.
Name | Notes |
1 | Approved |
3 | Alternative |
6 | Provisional |
8 | Historical |
NOTE: BLPUs can only have LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE values 1, 6 and 8. LPIs can have all of the LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE values listed in the table above.
Postal Address Code
Definition: the POSTAL_ADDRESS_CODE describes the type of postal delivery that the object is subject to.
Name | Notes |
S | A single address e.g. 56 High Street |
N | Not a postal address e.g. Car Park |
C | This is a multiple occupancy of 'child' address, for example a flat behind a parent address |
M | This is a parent address with at least one child or associated address that may receive post, for example, 56 High Street with Flat 56a and Flat 56b behind it |
Language Code
Definition: the language is used to identify the primary language of the address displayed.
Name | Notes |
ENG | English |
CYM | Welsh |
GAE | Gaelic (Scottish) |
BIL | Bilingual (metadata record identifier only) |
USRN Match Indicator Code
Definition: this is an indication of how the object was matched to the USRN. A value of 1 indicates a manual match, usually defining the nearest access road. A value of 2 is matched spatially to the nearest USRN.
Name | Notes |
1 | Matched manually to the nearest accessible street |
2 | Matched spatially to the nearest USRN (not necessarily the street that provides access) |
USRN Official Flag Code
Definition: this is an indication of whether the address recorded in the LPI corresponds to an entry in the official street naming and numbering register
Name | Notes |
Y | This means that this address has passed through the Statutory Street Naming and Numbering process and is the official address |
N | Unofficial address |
(NULL) | Unknown |
BLPU State Code
Definition: describes the physical nature of the property or land object. These are used to represent the physical state or the feature for example, the BLPU or the LPI.
Name | Notes |
1 | Under construction |
2 | In use |
3 | Unoccupied |
4 | No longer existing |
6 | Planning permission granted |
(NULL) | Unknown or Not Applicable |
RPC Code
Definition: the Representative Point Code is used to describe the nature of the coordinates allocated to the BLPU.
CodeList: RPC_CODE
Name | Notes |
1 | Visual centre |
2 | General internal point |
3 | SW corner of referenced 100 m grid |
4 | Start of referenced street |
5 | General point based on postcode unit |
9 | Centre of a contributing authority area |
Street Record Type Code
Definition: the RECORD_TYPE describes the type of street the record is identifying ‐ whether it is a named street, numbered street or an unofficial name.
Name | Notes |
1 | Official designated street name |
2 | Street description |
3 | Numbered street |
4 | Unofficial street description |
9 | Description used for LLPG access |
Street State Code
Definition: street state is used to describe the state in which the road is in at the time of insert/update/deletion.
Name | Notes |
1 | Under construction |
2 | Open |
4 | Permanently closed |
Street Surface Code
Definition: surface is used to describe the type of surface the majority of the road is covering.
Name | Notes |
1 | Metalled |
2 | UnMetalled |
3 | Mixed |
Street Classification Code
Definition: street classification is used to describe the type of street.
Name | Notes |
4 | Pedestrian way or footpath |
6 | Cycle track or cycleway |
8 | All vehicles |
9 | Restricted byway |
10 | Bridleway |
Royal Mail Building Alias Category
Definition: This flag provides an indication of the type of property alias for this address
Name | Notes |
AK | Also Known As |
BN | Building Name |
DT | Department |
OD | Organisation Description |
OR | Organisation at a Residential |
TN | Trading Name |
UK | Unknown / Miscellaneous |
WA | Welsh Alternative |
OSNI LPS Building Status
Definition: This flag provides an indication of the current physical status of the building (NI only)
Name | Notes |
UNDER CONSTRUCTION | Construction of the building has commenced |
BUILT | Property has been built and surveyed (permanent cords added) |
DERELICT | The property has been deemed derelict by the council |
DEMOLISHED | The property has been demolished |
NONE | None of the above. Used when the address is first entered into the system or the address has been rejected |
OSNI LPS Address Status
Definition: This flag provides an indication of the current logical status of the address (NI only)
Name | Notes |
CANDIDATE | Planning permission granted but building has not commenced |
PROVISIONAL | Construction of the building has commenced |
APPROVED | Permanent coordinates and/or a classification have been added. Postcode may have been added |
HISTORICAL | The address is no longer in use (demolished or derelict) |
REJECTED | Used to indicates the deletion of an incorrect address |