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AddressBase Premium Codes

Logical Status Code

Definition: the Logical Status reflects where the BLPU/LPI has reached in its life cycle. Logical status is important in identification of the addresses' requirements, for example, whether it is an alternative address or an historic address.


Name Notes
1 Approved
3 Alternative
6 Provisional
8 Historical


NOTE: BLPUs can only have LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE values 1, 6 and 8. LPIs can have all of the LOGICAL_STATUS_CODE values listed in the table above.

Postal Address Code

Definition: the POSTAL_ADDRESS_CODE describes the type of postal delivery that the object is subject to.


Name Notes
S A single address e.g. 56 High Street
N Not a postal address e.g. Car Park
C This is a multiple occupancy of 'child' address, for example a flat behind a parent address
M This is a parent address with at least one child or associated address that may receive post, for example, 56 High Street with Flat 56a and Flat 56b behind it
Language Code

Definition: the language is used to identify the primary language of the address displayed.


Name Notes
ENG English
CYM Welsh
GAE Gaelic (Scottish)
BIL Bilingual (metadata record identifier only)
USRN Match Indicator Code

Definition: this is an indication of how the object was matched to the USRN. A value of 1 indicates a manual match, usually defining the nearest access road. A value of 2 is matched spatially to the nearest USRN.


Name Notes
1 Matched manually to the nearest accessible street
2 Matched spatially to the nearest USRN (not necessarily the street that provides access)
USRN Official Flag Code

Definition: this is an indication of whether the address recorded in the LPI corresponds to an entry in the official street naming and numbering register


Name Notes
Y This means that this address has passed through the Statutory Street Naming and Numbering process and is the official address
N Unofficial address
(NULL) Unknown
BLPU State Code

Definition: describes the physical nature of the property or land object. These are used to represent the physical state or the feature for example, the BLPU or the LPI.


Name Notes
1 Under construction
2 In use
3 Unoccupied
4 No longer existing
6 Planning permission granted
(NULL) Unknown or Not Applicable
RPC Code

Definition: the Representative Point Code is used to describe the nature of the coordinates allocated to the BLPU.

CodeList: RPC_CODE

Name Notes
1 Visual centre
2 General internal point
3 SW corner of referenced 100 m grid
4 Start of referenced street
5 General point based on postcode unit
9 Centre of a contributing authority area
Street Record Type Code

Definition: the RECORD_TYPE describes the type of street the record is identifying ‐ whether it is a named street, numbered street or an unofficial name.


Name Notes
1 Official designated street name
2 Street description
3 Numbered street
4 Unofficial street description
9 Description used for LLPG access
Street State Code

Definition: street state is used to describe the state in which the road is in at the time of insert/update/deletion.


Name Notes
1 Under construction
2 Open
4 Permanently closed
Street Surface Code

Definition: surface is used to describe the type of surface the majority of the road is covering.


Name Notes
1 Metalled
2 UnMetalled
3 Mixed

Street Classification Code

Definition: street classification is used to describe the type of street.


Name Notes
4 Pedestrian way or footpath
6 Cycle track or cycleway
8 All vehicles
9 Restricted byway
10 Bridleway
Royal Mail Building Alias Category

Definition: This flag provides an indication of the type of property alias for this address


Name Notes
AK Also Known As
BN Building Name
DT Department
OD Organisation Description
OR Organisation at a Residential
TN Trading Name
UK Unknown / Miscellaneous
WA Welsh Alternative
OSNI LPS Building Status

Definition: This flag provides an indication of the current physical status of the building (NI only)


Name Notes
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Construction of the building has commenced
BUILT Property has been built and surveyed (permanent cords added)
DERELICT The property has been deemed derelict by the council
DEMOLISHED The property has been demolished
NONE None of the above. Used when the address is first entered into the system or the address has been rejected
OSNI LPS Address Status

Definition: This flag provides an indication of the current logical status of the address (NI only)


Name Notes
CANDIDATE Planning permission granted but building has not commenced
PROVISIONAL Construction of the building has commenced
APPROVED Permanent coordinates and/or a classification have been added. Postcode may have been added
HISTORICAL The address is no longer in use (demolished or derelict)
REJECTED Used to indicates the deletion of an incorrect address

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