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Error Codes

A. Common Codes
Code Description
BE000001 Invalid Authentication Token
BE000002 Insufficient Criteria
BE000003 Invalid Data Licence
BE000004 Access Denied, Insufficient permissions
BE000005 Invalid profile specified
BE000006 Organisation Account Licence is Invalid
BE000007 Profile serves an invalid Product
BE000008 Security Processing not Performed
B. Global Services Codes
Code Description
BE010000 Licence has expired
BE010001 Maximum fair usage limit has been exceeded
BE010002 Insufficient credits to process transaction
BE010003 Invalid profile specified
BE010004 Maximum records requested exceeds licensed limit
BE010005 Not used
BE010006 Licence not commenced
BE010007 Profile in PreLive State
BE010008 Profile has been Retired
BE010009 Invalid Login Details
BE010010 Invalid input data type for Profile
BE010011 Unable to continue multi-phased transaction. Continuation period has expired
BE010012 Unable to process execution ticket in set time
BE010013 Unable to continue multi-phased transaction. Current Profile Guid differs from Profile in master transaction
BE010014 Endpoint not supported
C. Admin Services Codes
Code Description
BE020000 User account is locked.
BE020001 User account is disabled.
BE020002 Domain account is blocked
BE020003 Domain account is cancelled.
BE020004 Domain account is expired
BE020005 Domain account is registration incomplete.
BE020006 Domain account is registered.
BE020007 Domain account is Due Diligence in Progress.
BE020008 Accept Terms and Conditions
BE020009 Temporary Password.
BE020010 New password must be different from old password.
BE020011 Please enter a valid Current Password.
BE020012 Please enter a valid New Password.
BE020013 Incorrect reminder phrase answer.
BE020014 Invalid reminder phrase question for user.
BE020015 Invalid username supplied.
BE020016 Reminder Phrase Question has not been set.
BE020017 Invalid role supplied.
BE020018 Invalid Organisation supplied
BE020015 Invalid username supplied.
BE020016 Reminder Phrase Question has not been set.
BE020017 Invalid role supplied.
BE020018 Invalid Organisation supplied
BE020019 Username already taken.
BE020020 Username does not exist.
BE020021 Trading name is already taken.
BE020022 Domain name is already taken.
BE020023 Parent Organisation does not exist.
BE020024 Partner Organisation does not exist.
BE020025 Incorrect Organisation supplied.
BE020026 Invalid Country supplied.
BE020027 Organisation does not exist.
BE020028 Duplicate role assigned.
BE020029 Invalid ReminderPhraseType supplied.
BE020030 DataLicence Maximum Users exceeded
BE020031 Invalid Credit Pool.
BE020032 Invalid Billing Info.
BE020033 Domain cannot be changed.
BE020034 Parent and Child must have same Partner
BE020035 Permission is Invalid.
BE020036 Domain Type cannot be changed.
BE020037 Partner cannot be changed.
BE020038 Parent cannot be changed.
BE020039 Invalid Product.
BE020040 Sub Organisation cannot have a Sub Organisation.
BE020041 Parent Organisation must be an Organisation.
BE020042 Invalid Product Subscription.
BE020043 Invalid date range
BE020044 Invalid date range
BE020045 Invalid Data set subscription.
BE020046 Invalid Date set.
BE020047 Data set subscription already exists.
BE020048 Licence is not compatible with data set
BE020049 Duplicate Profile subscription exists.
BE020050 Cannot remove subscription from LOCAL Profile
BE020051 Product account is blocked.
BE020052 Product account is cancelled.
BE020053 Product account is expired
BE020054 Product account is registration incomplete.
BE020055 Product account has been closed.
BE020056 Product account is Due Diligence in Progress.
BE020054 Product account is registration incomplete.
BE020055 Product account has been closed.
BE020056 Product account is Due Diligence in Progress.
BE020057 Accept Product Terms and Conditions.
BE020058 Scheduled change date must not be in the past.
BE020059 Transaction not found
BE020060 Duplicate Product subscription already exists.
BE020061 Domain account has been closed.
BE020062 Password reset attempts exceeded.
BE020063 Cancelled credit pools cannot be modified
BE020064 Deducted credit pools cannot be modified.
BE020065 Expired credit pools cannot be modified.
BE020066 Cannot create future product subscription
BE020067 Cannot manually expire a credit pool.
BE020068 Component with specified code already exists.
BE020069 Service with supplied uuid does not exist.
BE020070 Component with specified uuid already exists
BE020071 Component with specified uuid does not exist.
BE020072 Profile subscription's configuration cannot be used to introduce new Components.
BE020073 Profile subscription's configuration cannot be used to introduce new DataSets.
BE020074 Profile subscription's overridden billing cannot be used to introduce new DataSets
BE020075 Profile subscription cannot override the same billing info more than once.
BE020076 Parent does not have a profile subscription to allocate.
BE020077 Domain does not have a parent.
BE020078 Invalid User supplied
BE020079 Empty data string supplied.
BE020080 Settings data not found.
BE020081 Settings data already exists.
BE020082 Failed to delete settings data
BE020083 Failed to add settings data.
BE020084 Failed to fetch settings.
BE020085 Failed to fetch contacts.
BE020086 The request does not contain a valid dataset for the component.
BE020087 Allocated profile subscriptions cannot override a parent's billing.
BE020088 Invalid dataset code
BE020089 Invalid profile specified
BE020090 Profile subscription, maximum users exceeded
BE020091 Parent profile subscription, maximum users exceeded
BE020092 Contact details not supplied
BE020093 Billing Info cannot be overridden
BE020094 Insufficient credits to pay off overdraft
BE020095 Overdraft credits cannot be modified
BE020096 Cannot create an overdraft
D. Notification Service Codes
Code Description
BE030001 No Destination supplied
BE030002 Invalid Notification Type
BE030003 Invalid Parameters
BE030004 Invalid Notification Source
BE030005 Attachments cannot be supplied via the WS
BE030006 Invalid destination supplied
E. Scheduled Codes
Code Description
SE030000 Invalid file path supplied for attachment
SE030001 Could not find processor.
SE030002 Could not find product
SE030003 Could not find domain
F. Service Codes
Code Description
SE000001 Internal Service Error.

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