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IdM Data Structures


This page contains details of all available IdM data structures. Use Ctrl+F to search for the name of the particular data structure you're looking for.

Type: CaptureResponse
Field Name Type Description
resultStatusDetail String  
recordsReturned int  Number individual of records returned e.g. number of addresses
moreData boolean  More data on the server
totalRecordCount int  Total records from the query
totalPages int  Pagination - Total pages
matchScore matchScoreType Integer value from 1 to 100. Relevant for freeformat address searches
fieldStatus String String indicating the statuses of the changed fields in a formatted address search 
responseCount int Number of groups of responses returned
response CaptureResponseData Response data (returned address)
Type: CaptureResponseData
Field Name Type Description
input String  
address List of IdmDataAddress Addresses in the response
relatedData List of IdmDataArrayAdditionalData optional, unbounded list
groupedRelatedData List of IdmDataAdditionalDataGroup optional, unbounded list
Type: DataLicenceInvoice
Field Name Type Description
invoiceGuid String  GUID for the invoice
billingInformationGuid String  GUID for this billing information
dataLicenceDescription String  (not used)
billingPoints Integer  Number of billing points 
creditsUsed Integer  Credits used for a search request
dataSetInvoices DataSetInvoice List of invoices for the data sets. Data set invoicing is separated from the service invoicing. Charging models may vary between data sets within the service
Type: DataSetInvoice
Field Name Type Description
dataSetCode String The Dataset Code
billingPoints int billing points charged to this dataset
recordsReturned int number of records returned via this dataset
dataLicenceGuid String  GUID for this particular data set
Type: EnumGender


Type: ExecuteTraceResponse
Field Name Type Description
securityHeader SecurityHeaderResponse Authentication information for subsequent calls
informationHeader InformationHeaderResponse Information (news or alerts for the user)
transactionGuid String Unique transaction reference
profileResponse ProfileResponse Response to the query
Type: IdmAddrAutoTraceInfo
Field Name Type Description
addressIndicator EnumLocationCode CURRENT | PREVIOUS | PRE_PREVIOUS
residencyScore Integer  
fromDate IdmDataDate  
toDate IdmDataDate  
confirmationDate IdmDataDate  
traceResults String  
addressHistoryRef String The credit linked adddress Plus reference to which address this result came from, for the Telephone Supplimentary call/td>
personRef String The credit linked adddress Plus reference to which Person within above address that this result came from, for the Telephone Supplimentary call
applicationRef String Internal referecne for this call
Type: IdmAddrLinkInfo

The returned IdmAddrLinkInfo data structure is detailed below:

Field Name Type Description
locationCode EnumLocationCode CURRENT | PREVIOUS | PRE_PREVIOUS
matchDetails MatchDetails  
linkDate IdmDataDate  
locationLinkIndicator EnumLocationLinkIndicator NEW_ADDRESS | PREVIOUS_ADDRESS
levelNumber Integer  
locationLinkNumber Integer  
locationLinkCaption String  
addrDataSource EnumAddressDataSource CAIS | PREVIOUS
sourceId String Unused
approximateResidencyLength String Approximate length of time at this address.
superSearchFlag String  
caisAccNum NOC Any Notice of Corrections
Type: IdmCCJInfo

The returned IdmCCJInfo data structure is detailed below:

Field Name Type Description
locationCode EnumLocationCode CURRENT | PREVIOUS | PRE_PREVIOUS
matchDetails MatchDetails  
informationDate IdmDataDate  
satisfactionDate IdmDataDate  
informationType String  
amount String  
plantiff String  
cameraNumber String  
ccjDataSource EnumCCJDataSource LCH | SGEI | SGG | SGNI | SGSC | RTLS | DTI | NEIJ
caisAccNum NOC Any Notice of Corrections
Type: IdmDataAdditionalDataGroup
Field Name Type Description
name String Name for this group of additional data
item List of IdmDataItem optional, unbounded list of IdmDataItem
Type: IdmDataAdditionalDataListGroup
Field Name Type Description
name String Name for this group of additional data
item List of IdmDataArrayAdditionalData optional, unbounded list of IdmDataArrayAdditionalData
Type: IdmDataAddress

Please note re. AdministrativeArea [in, out]
This field holds the most common geographic data element within a country. For instance, USA State, and Canadian Province. Therefore the data previously supplied in SuperAdministrativeArea Up until February 2015 is now in the AdministativeArea.

Field Name Type Description
organisation String Organisation name
street String Main street or thoroughfare
town String Town or city
postCode String Postcode, postal-code orZIP-code
locality String Locality or district within the town or city
addPoint String  
department String Department within the organisation
subBuilding String Flat or apartment (including "Flat" or "Apartment" text if appropriate. E.g. "FLAT 4")
buildingNumber String Number of the building
buildingName String Name of the building (use for any non-numeric building identifier)
buildingGroup String Name of the building group
poBox String PO Box number (including the "PO Box" text. E.g. "PO BOX 1234")
subStreet String Side street, mews, partial street
subLocality String Village, hamlet or part of the district / locality
stateRegion String State, region, county
subAdministrativeArea String Sub-administrative area
administrativeArea String Administrative area
superAdministrativeArea String Super-administrative area
countryCode String ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 Country Code
countryName String e.g. United Kingdom
dpsZipPlus String Royal Mail delivery point suffix, or ZIP+ code
formattedAddress String Formatted address
welshSubStreet String Welsh translation of sub street / dependant thoroughfare
welshStreet String Welsh translation of street name
welshSubLocality String Welsh translation of double dependant locality
welshLocality String Welsh translation of dependant locality
welshTown String Welsh translation of postal town
geographicInformation IdmDataGeographic Geographic Information
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData General additional key/value items
groupedAdditionalItems IdmDataAdditionalDataGroup Groups of additional items
persons IdmDataArrayOfCapturePerson List of persons
uprn String Unique Property Reference Number
lpi IdmDataLPI Land and Property Identifier information
blpu IdmDataBLPU Basic Land and Property Unit information
streetDescriptor IdmDataStreetDescriptor Street Descriptor information
streetInformation IdmDataStreetInformation Street Information
companyInformation IdmDataCompanyInformation Company Information 
onsPointerInformation IdmDataPointer OSNI LPS Pointer Data
classification IdmDataClassification Classification
osAl2Toid String OS MasterMap Address Layer 2 TOID
osItnToid String OS MasterMap Integrated Transport Network TOID
osTopoToid String OS MasterMap Topography Layer TOID
voaCtRecord String Cross-reference to a Valuation Office Agency Council Tax record
voaNdrRecord String Cross-reference to a Valuation Office Agency Non-domestic Rates record
apOSAPR String  
rmUDPRN String Royal Mail Unique Delivery Point Reference Number
mrOccCount Integer Multi-occupancy count of owning (parent) delivery point 
alias IdmDataRmAlias RM Alias Information
utilitiesInformation IdmDataUtilitiesInformation Utilities Details
addressBaseCoreInformation IdmDataAddressBaseCoreInformation Address Base Core specific information
geoplusInformation IdmDataGeoplusInformation Geo+ specific information
Type: IdmDataAddressBaseCoreInformation
Field Name Type Description
parentUprn parentUprn Parent UPRN
usrn usrn Unique Street Reference Number
osAddressToid osAddressToid OS Address Toid
rpc rpc Representative Point Code
osCountry osCountry OS Country
osClass osClass OS Class
lastUpdateDate lastUpdateDate Last Update Date
townName townName Town Name
poBox poBox PO Box
gssCode gssCode ONS GSS Code
island island Island
Type: IdmDataAddressLinkInformation
Field Name Type Description
firstSeenDate IdmDataDate Date when the person was first seen at this address (having moved from the current search target)
lastSeenDate IdmDataDate Date when the person was last seen at this address (having moved to the current search target)
Type: IdmDataAddressPlusTeldata
Field Name Type Description
applicationRef String reference to the call the other data referes to
addressHistory int The address within the supplied application reference that we are interested in
personRef int The person within the supplied address that we are interested in
Type: IdmDataArrayAdditionalData
Field Name Type Description
item IdmDataItem List of IdmDataItems
Type: IdmDataArrayFilter
Field Name Type Description
item List of IdmDataItem Filter items
Type: IdmDataBankruptcyInformation
Field Name Type Description
aka String Also known as
type String Bankruptcy or insolvency type
startDate IdmDataDate Start date for the bankruptcy or insolvency period
dischargeDate IdmDataDate Discharge date for the bankruptcy or insolvency period
status String Status
practitioner String Insolvency practitioner
Type: IdmDataBLPU
Field Name Type Description
blpuLogicalStatus Integer Logical status of the BLPU
blpuState Integer A code identifying the current state of the BLPU
blpuStateDate IdmDataDate Date at which the BLPU achieved its current state in the real-world
parentUprn String UPRN of the parent record
easting Double Easting coordinates in metres, defining the location in the British National Grid spatial reference system for this unit
northing Double Northing coordinates in metres, defining the location in the British National Grid spatial reference system for this unit
rpc Integer Representative point code
localCustodianCode Integer Unique identifier of the local custodian
blpuStartDate IdmDataDate Date this record was created
blpuEndDate IdmDataDate Date this record ceased to exist
blpuLastUpdateDate IdmDataDate Date this record was last changed
blpuEntryDate IdmDataDate Date of data entry
postalAddressable String Indicates whether the BLPU can receive a postal service.
postcodeLocator String Postcode of the coordinate for the BLPU based purely on a spatial match against Code-Point® with polygons. This field must be used in conjunction with the RPC field to determine the accuracy of its position
multiOccCount Integer A count of the child UPRNs associated to this record
Type: IdMDataCaptureBank
Field Name Type Description
accountNumber String Bank account number
sortcode String Bank branch sort code
Type: IdmDataCapturePerson
Field Name Type Description
organisation String Organisation name
title String Salutation
firstname String First name
middlename String Middle name
lastname String Last name
dateOfBirth IdmDataDateWithRange Date of birth
firstYearOfResidency Integer First year of residency
lastYearOfResidency Integer Last year of residency
yearsOfResidency Integer Years of residency
consentedLandlines list of IdmDataSourcedValue Consented landline telephones
consentedMobiles list of IdmDataSourcedValue Consented mobile telephones
consentedEmails list of IdmDataSourcedValue Consented email addresses
socialMedia list of IdmDataAdditionalDataGroup Social media report
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Additional data items
groupedAdditionalItems list of IdmDataAdditionalDataGroup Groups of additional data
Type: IdmDataCaptureTelephone
Field Name Type Description
number String Telephone Number
type EnumTelephone UNKNOWN | MOBILE | LANDLINE
Type: IdmDataClassification
Field Name Type Description
classKey String Unique key for the classification record
classificationCode String A code that describes the classification of the record. For example, CC03HD is an HM Detention Centre
classScheme String The name of the classification scheme used for this record
classStartDate IdmDataDate Date of start of this classification record
classEndDate IdmDataDate Date of end of this classification record
classLastUpdateDate IdmDataDate Date of last update
entryDate IdmDataDate Date of date entry
classPrimaryText String Primary description of classification e.g. "Commercial"
classSecondaryText String Secondary description of classification e.g. Community Services"
classTertiaryText String Tertiary description of classification e.g. "Prison"
classQuaternaryText String Quaternary description of classification, e.g. "HM Detention Centre"

Type: IdmDataCompanyInformation

Field Name Type Description
organisationName String Name of current occupier on the fascia of the BLPU
legalOrganisationLegalName String Registered legal name of organisation
organisationKey String AddressBase Premium Organisation Key
organisationStartDate IdmDataDate Date this record was created
organisationEndDate IdmDataDate Date this record ceased to exist
organisationLastUpdateDate IdmDataDate Date this record was last changed
organisationEntryDate IdmDataDate Date of data entry
Type: IdmDataDirectorInformation
Field Name Type Description
lastUpdate IdmDataDate Date information was last updated
detailURL String URL linking to the disqualification
caseReference String Case Reference Number
nationality String Nationality of Director
startDate IdmDataDate  
endDate IdmDataDate  
firstCompany String  
firstCompanyNumber String  
numberOfCompanies String  
reason String Reason for Disqualification
Type: IdmDataGeoplusInformation
Field Name Type Description
umrrn umrrn

Unique Multiple-Residence Reference Number

The UMRRN is the unique key of a premises that shares a Royal Mail Delivery Point with other premises.  The Delivery Point is an address on PAF.  Typically, MRs are flats, apartments and units that are located behind a shared entrance and are not directly accessible for mail delivery. For example, flats that share a common, locked front door through which mail is delivered.

There are approximately 850,000 MR records on Geo+

owningUdprn owningUdprn

Owning Unique Delivery Point Reference Number (UDPRN) for a Multiple Residence address.

This is the UDPRN of the parent or 'shell' address on PAF in which a Multiple Residence property is located.  For example, the Owning UDPRN of the Multiple Residence address "Flat 1, Princes House" would be the UDPRN of "Princes House"

parentUprn parentUprn

Parent Unique Property Reference Number

This is the UPRN of the Owning UDPRN of a Multiple-Residence address and is inferred from the relationship of an MR with it's owning PAF 'parent'.

largeSmall largeSmall

Large/Small PAF user type, one of:

L: Large
S: Small

All Large user types are organisations and have a unique postcode.

Small user types can be organisations and residential properties and which can share a postcode

smallOrgFlag smallOrgFlag

Small Organisation Flag

Yes: Address is a Small user type and is also an organisation

nybFlag nybFlag

Not Yet Built flag

Yes: if the address is on the Royal Mail Not-Yet-Built file

The NYB file contains addresses of properties that have either not been completely built or are otherwise not yet occupied and not in receipt of mail and are thus not yet a Delivery Point on the Royal Mail PAF.  However, NYBs have been registered through the address naming and numbering system and have full addresses, postcodes and have already been assigned a Unique Delivery Point Refernce Number (UDPRN).

Properties typically remain on the NYB file for between 1 and 3 months before being transferred to the main PAF file, but can in some cases stay on the file for up to a year.

The number of addresses on the NYB file typically fluctuates between 400,000 to 600,000.

uprnDerivation uprnDerivation

The UPRN-Derivation code idenitifes how the Ordnance Survey (OS) UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) has been derived and appended to the Geo+ address.

1: One-to-one cross-reference of PAF UDPRN to OS UPRN
2: One-to-one cross-reference of NYB UDPRN to OS UPRN
4: Multi-Residence address matched to OS UPRN address

geoDerivation geoDerivation

This Geo-Derivation code identifies how the geo-coordinates have been appended to the address.

Codes 1,4 and 5 are premises-level geo-coordinates.

Codes 6 and 7 are postcode-level geo-coordinates: All addresses in a postcode with these derivation codes share the same geo-coordinates.

1: Direct UDPRN cross-reference to UPRN geo-codes
4: MR address matched to OS UPRN address
5: MR geo-coordinates inferred from Owning UDPRN
6: Geo-coordinates derived from Royal Mail source
7: Geo-coordinates derived from OS source
9: No geo-coordinate data available

Currently, no geo-coordinates are available for addresses in Jersey (JE), Guernsey (GY) or Isle-of-Man (IM)

rmAkok rmAkok Royal Mail Address/Organisation Key
Type: IdmDataUtilitiesElectricityInformation
Field Name Type Description
meterPointCount Integer Number of electricity meter points at address
meterPoint IdmDataUtilitiesElectricityMeterPoint List of Electricity meters in the property
originalPostcode String Postcode associated with MPAN from electricity distributor
avgDomCons String Average annual electricity domestic consumption for the postcode of this property in kWH (Utilities Premium Service Only)
medDomCons String Median annual electricity domestic consumption for the postcode of this property in kWH (Utilities Premium Service Only)
yearDomCons String Year on which the electricity domestic consumption figures are based e.g. 2013. (Utilities Premium Service Only)
Type: IdmDataUtilitiesElectricityMeterPoint
Field Name Type Description
meterPointTag String Text description associated with the supply e.g. “Landlords Supply”. Not part of the address (Utilities Premium Service Only)
mpan String The Meter Point Administration Number
meterCount Integer Number of meters on this supply
meter IdmDataUtilitiesElectricityMeter List of Electricity Meters
profileType String The Profile Type or Profile Class indicates the type of supply.
timeSwitchCode String The Time Switch Code or Meter Time Switch Class reflects the various registers which a meter may have.
lineLossFactorId String The Line Loss Factor Identifier or Line Loss Factor Class Identifier is used to calculate the distribution charges
standardSettlementConfiguration String A standard Metering System configuration.
energisationStatus String The status of the supply point: E if energised, or D if de-energised.
energisationEffectiveFromDate IdmDataDate Date from which the supply point was energised.
distributorId String The Distributor Identifier is the numeric identifier for the local distributor.
gspid String The Grid Supply Point Group Identifier, identifying the local distribution system.


Electricity Meter Point Top-line Information

Some of the elements described above are only returned if the user is subscribed to the Topline information package option.

  • gspid
  • distributorId
  • profileType
  • timeSwitchCode
  • lineLossFactor
  • standardSettlementConfiguration
  • energisationStatus
  • energisationEffectiveFromDate
Type: IdmDataUtilitiesElectricityMeter
Field Name Type Description
serialNumber String Meter Serial Number
type String Meter type
Type: IdmDataSearchUtilitiesInformation
Field Name Type Description
mprn String Gas Meter Point Reference Number
gasMeterNumber String Gas meter number
mpan String Electricity Meter Point Administration Number
electricityMeterNumber String Electricity meter number
Type: IdmDataUtilitiesGasInformation
Field Name Type Description
lguf String Large Gas User Flag (Utilities Standard Service Only)
originalPostcode String Postcode associated with MPRN from gas transporter
meterPointCount Integer Number of gas meter points at address
meterPoint IdmDataUtilitiesGasMeterPoint Gas supply meter point
avgDomCons String Average annual gas domestic consumption for the postcode of this property in kWH (Utilties Register Premium Service Only)
medDomCons String Median annual gas domestic consumption for the postcode of this property in kWH (Utilties Register Premium Service Only)
yearDomCons String Year on which the gas domestic consumption figures are based e.g. 2013 (Utilties Register Premium Service Only)
Type: IdmDataUtilitiesGasMeterPoint
Field Name Type Description
meterPointTag String Text description associated with the supply e.g. “Landlords Supply”. Not part of the address (Utilties Register Premium Service Only)
mprn String Meter Point Reference Number
meterCount Integer Number of gas meters associated with this supply point
meter List of IdmDataUtilitiesGasMeter List of gas Meters
Type: IdmDataUtilitiesGasMeter
Field Name Type Description
serialNumber String Meter Serial Number
largeSiteIndicator String Indicator that this site is a large gas user (Utilties Register Premium Service Only)
Type: IdmDataDate
Field Name Type Description
day Integer  Day of the month (1..31)
month Integer  Month of the year (1..12)
year Integer  Year (e.g. 2016)
Type: IdmDataDateWithRange
Field Name Type Description
day Integer  Day of the month (1..31)
month Integer  Month of the year (1..12)
year Integer  Year (e.g. 2016)
range IdmDataDateRange (optional)age range
Type: IdmDataDateRange
Field Name Type Description
minAge Integer Minimum age
maxAge Integer Maximum age
Type: IdmDataDateOfBirthWithAge
Field Name Type Description
value IdmDataDate date of information
source String source of information
lastUpdated IdmDataDate date information was last updated
confidence Integer confidence level in data 1-10, where 10 is most confident
reference String information reference
matchedName String source of information
age Integer Age in years
Type: IdmDataSourcedDateWithConfidence
Field Name Type Description
value IdmDataDate date of information
source String source of information
lastUpdated IdmDataDate date information was last updated
confidence Integer confidence level in data 1-10, where 10 is most confident
reference String information reference
matchedName String source of information

Deceased information Example

If a person is deceased, the IdmDataTracePerson will contain IdmDataSourcedDateWithConfidence elements as in the following example for DDRI

        <trace:matchedName>OTHERWISE ROBERT JEREMY TRUMP</trace:matchedName>

If the person is recorded as deceased in NDR, then the response may be as follows:

Type: IdmDataArrayOfSourcedDates
Field Name Type Description
sourcedDate IdmDataSourcedDateWithConfidence Lits of IdmDataSourcedDateWithConfidence
Type: IdmDataDirectorInformation
Field Name Type Description
companyName String Name of the company where the person is a director
registrationNumber String Name of the company where the person is a director
active boolean Flag to indicate if the person is an active director
Type: IdmDataExecutiveInformation
Field Name Type Description
title String Salutation
firstName String First name
middleName String Middle name
lastName String Last name
jobTitle String Job title
appointmentDate IdmDataDate Date of appointment
resignationDate IdmDataDate Date of resignation
homeAddress IdmDataTraceAddress Home address
Type: IdmDataArrayOfExecutivesInformation
Field Name Type Description
executive IdmDataExecutiveInformation unbounded list of executives
Type: IdmDataGeographic
Field Name Type Description
easting String Grid reference easting
northing String Grid reference northing
latitude String Latitude
longitude String Longitude
status EnumGeoCodeStatus Status
level EnumGeoCodeLevel Level
distance float Distance
radius IdmDataRadius Radius search information

The status enumeration may take one of the following values:

Type: EnumGeoCodeStatus

The level enumeration may take one of the following values:

Type: EnumGeoCodeLevel
Type: IdmDataRadius
Field Name Type Description
unit EnumRadiusUnit Unit of distance
distance Double Distance in the specified units

Type: EnumRadiusUnit
Type: IdmDataItem
Field Name Type Description
key String key part of key-value pair
value String value part of key-value pair
Type: IdmDataLPI
Field Name Type Description
lpiKey String Unique key for the LPI
lpiLanguage String A code that identifies the language used for the descriptor 
lpiLogicalStatus Integer Logical status of this record
lpiStartDate IdmDataDate Date this record or version was created
lpiEndDate IdmDataDate Date this record ceased to exist
lpiLastUpdateDate IdmDataDate Date this record was last changed 
lpiEntryDate IdmDataDate Date of data entry
saoStartNumber Integer The number of the secondary addressable object (SAO) or the start of the number range 
saoStartSuffix String The suffix to the SAO Start Number
saoEndNumber Integer The end of the number range for the SAO
saoEndSuffix String The suffix to the SAO End Number
saoText String Contains the building name or description for the SAO
paoStartNumber Integer The number of the primary addressable object (PAO) or the start of the number range 
paoStartSuffix String The suffix to the PAO Start Number
paoEndNumber Integer The end of the number range for the PAO
paoEndSuffix String The suffix to the PAO End Number
paoText String Contains the building name or description for the PAO
usrn String Unique Street Reference Number foreign key linking the Street record to the LPI record
usrnMatchIndicator Byte This field indicates how the item was matched to a Street
areaName String Third level of geographic area name, for example, to record island names or property groups such as crofts
level String Memorandum of the vertical position of the address
officialFlag String Status of the Address
Type: IdmDataPerson
Field Name Type Description
Title String Title of person I.E. Mr, Miss Mrs
Gender EnumGender Gender of person
Firstname String First name of person
Middlename String Middlename or middle initial of person
Lastname String Last name of person
Date of Birth IdmDataDateWithRange Date of birth of person
Type: IdmDataPointer
Field Name Type Description
ptrAltThoroughfare String Alternate thoroughfare name e.g. if the thoroughfare name is "Sheskin Park" the alternate thoroughfare may be "Páirc An Seascainn"
ptrTownland String NI-specific townland name
ptrBLPU String <reserved for future use>
ptrUniqueBuildingId String 12-digit identifying a Primary Addressable Object defined by the 'physical footprint' of the building shell
ptrLocalCouncil String The name of the administrative area (local council) in which the building exists
ptrXcor String 1m accurate easting coordinate based on the Irish Grid
ptrYcor String 1m accurate northing coordinate based on the Irish Grid
ptrTempCoord String If "Y", then indicates that PrtXcor and PtrYcor are temporary coordinates. Null indicates that PtrXcor and PtrYcor are permanent 
ptrBuildingStatus String The current physical status of the building
ptrAddressStatus String The current logical status of the address
ptrClassCode String A code signifying the current use of the building e.g. "ND_culture"
ptrClassDescription String A textual description for the PrtClassificationCode, e.g. "Cultural (incl museums, libraries)"
ptrCreationDate IdmDataDate The date when an address was first entered into the system by the local council
ptrCommencementDate IdmDataDate The date when the construction of the property began
ptrArchivedDate IdmDataDate The date when an address is deemed to be no longer in use
ptrPostTown String The town allocated as the main postal centre for an area. May differ from the TOWN field in the main address
Type: IdmDataPricePaid

The IdmDataPricePaid returns populated with information about the price paid when a property was sold, as reported by the Land Registry.

The IdmDataArrayOfPricePaid may contain up to five individual IdmDataPricePaid child elements.

Field Name Type Description
salePrice String The price paid in pounds sterling
saleDate IdmDataDate The date of the sale
propertyType String Description of the type of property
newBuild Boolean Indicates if the property was a new build when it was sold
freehold Boolean Indicates if the property is freehold



Sample price paid response element:

Type: IdmDataPropertyInformation

The IdmDataPropertyInformation returns information about rental properties.

Field Name Type Description
houseType String  
tenure String  
numberOfBedrooms Integer  
numberOfBedSpaces Integer  
numberOfReceptionRooms Integer  
numberOfBathrooms Integer  
numberOfFloors Integer  
councilTaxBand String  
dateBuilt IdmDataDate  
periodBuilt String  
listedBuilding Boolean  
farm Boolean  
garage Boolean  
valuation String  
valuationDate IdmDataDate  
convertedProperty Boolean  
decentHomesStandard Boolean  
selfContained Boolean  
furnished Boolean  
lowCostHomeOwnership Boolean  
sharedOwnershipPercentage Integer  
sapRating IdmDataDate  
sapRatingDate String  
confirmationOfManager String  
confirmationOfOwnership String  
annualRentalIncome Integer  
additionalData IdmDataArrayAdditionalData  
Type: IdmDataResidencyPeriod
Field Name Type Description
day Integer  Day of the month (1..31)
firstMonthOfResidency IdmDataDate Start of the residency period
lastMonthOfResidency IdmDataDate End of the residency period
Type: IdmDataRmAlias
Field Name Type Description
aliasCategory String  Alias category code
aliasText String  The alias text
Type: IdmDataSourcedValueWithConfidence
Field Name Type Description
source String Source of the data
lastUpdated IdmDataDate Date when the data was last updated
confidence Integer Confidence value
Type: IdmDataArrayOfSourcedValues
Field Name Type Description
sourcedValue IdmDataSourcedValueWithConfidence unbounded list of sourced values
Type: IdmDataAddress
Field Name Type Description
organisation String Organisation name
street String Searches Thoroughfare and Dependant Thoroughfare. Multiple values can be provided using a comma as a delimiter (e.g.Lumley Road, Ormonde Road)
town String Town
postCode String Postcode
locality String Area smaller than a town, such as a village. Relates to a Royal Mail Dependant Locality
addPoint String Eircode address point
department String Department in the organisation
subBuilding String Apartment or flat within the building
building String Building name or number (use this field if the building identifier is ambiguous)
buildingName String Name of the building (use for any non-numeric building identifier)
buildingNumber String Number of the building
buildingGroup String Eircode group of buildings, such as a terrace
subStreet String Side street or minor lane off the main street
subLocality String Area smaller than a locality, such as a district. Relates to a Royal Mail Double Dependant Locality
stateRegion String State, region, county
countryCode String ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 Country Code - Default: GBR
countryName String e.g. United Kingdom
poBox String PO Box number (including the "PO Box" text. E.g. "PO BOX 1234")
freeFormatAddress String Full address in free format (Comma separated elements, e.g. "5, High Street, MyTown, MyCounty")
geographicInformation IdmDataGeographic Geographic information
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Additional search items such as URNs, address keys etc.
persons IdmDataArrayOfCapturePerson Array of IdmDataCapturePerson
utilitiesInformation IdmDataSearchUtilitiesInformation Utility (gas, electricity) information
Type: IdmDataStreetDescriptor
Field Name Type Description
streetDescription String Name, description or street number
locality String Defines an area or geographical identifier within a town, village or hamlet
townName String Town name
administrativeArea String Local Highway Authority name
streetLanguage String A code identifying the language in use for the descriptive identifier
Type: IdmDataStreetInformation
Field Name Type Description
streetType Integer Street type
swaOrgRefNaming Integer The code of the Street Naming and Numbering Authority or the Local Highway Authority
streetState Integer A code identifying the current state of the Street
stateDate IdmDataDate Date at which the street achieved its current state in the world
streetSurface Integer A code to indicate the surface finish of the street
streetClassification Integer A code for the primary street classification
streetVersion Integer Version number of the street record
streetLastUpdateDate IdmDataDate Date this record was last changed
streetEntryDate IdmDataDate Date of data entry
streetStartDate IdmDataDate Date this record or version was created
streetEndDate IdmDataDate Date this record ceased to exist
streetStartEasting Double Easting coordinates in metres, defining the location in the British National Grid spatial reference system for the start point of the street
streetStartNorthing Double Northing coordinates in metres, defining the location in the British National Grid spatial reference system for the start point of the street
streetEndEasting Double Easting coordinates in metres, defining the location in the British National Grid spatial reference system for the end point of the street
streetEndNorthing Double Northing coordinates in metres, defining the location in the British National Grid spatial reference system for the end point of the street
streetTolerance Integer The tolerance of the start and end coordinates in metres
Type: IdmDataTraceAddress
Field Name Type Description
poBox String PO Box number (including the "PO Box" text. E.g. "PO BOX 1234")
dpsZipPlus String Royal Mail delivery point suffix
subBuilding String Flat or apartment (including "Flat" or "Apartment" text if appropriate. E.g. "FLAT 4")
buildingNumber String Number of the building
buildingName String Name of the building (use for any non-numeric building identifier)
subStreet String Dependent thoroughfare
street String Main thoroughfare
postCode String Postcode
subLocality String Royal Mail double-dependent locality (e.g. village)
locality String Royal Mail dependent locality (e.g. district)
town String Royal Mail post town
stateRegion String County
countryCode String ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 Country Code - Default: GBR
countryName String e.g. United Kingdom
freeFormatAddress String Comma-delimited list of unknown address elements
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Reserved for future use
addressRecordId int Identifier for this property
pafMultipleResidency boolean Flag to indicate if Royal Mail identify this address as a Property in Multiple Occupancy
geographicInformation IdmDataGeographic See section on Geographic information
preMoverInformation IdmDataTracePreMoverInformation Information for properties where the occupants have shown an interest in moving
utilitiesInformation IdmDataUtilitiesInformation See section on Utilities information
rentalProperty boolean Flag to indicate if this address as a rental Property
socialHousing boolean Flag to indicate if this address is Clasified as Social Housing
addrLinkInfo IdmAddrLinkInfo Credit Address link information
propertyInformation IdmDataPropertyInformation List of property information
addrAutoTraceInfo IdmAddrAutoTraceInfo Autotrace address information

The pre-mover IdmDataTracePreMoverInformation data structure is detailed below:

Type: IdmDataTracePreMoverInformation
Field Name Type Description
isPreMover boolean Flag to indicate if the property has occupants have shown an interest in moving, as shown by a property search having been conducted against the property
preMoverSearchDate IdmDataDate List of date on which a property search was made
Type: IdmDataTraceAddressPlus
Field Name Type Description
poBox String PO Box number (including the "PO Box" text. E.g. "PO BOX 1234")
dpsZipPlus String Royal Mail delivery point suffix
subBuilding String Flat or apartment (including "Flat" or "Apartment" text if appropriate. E.g. "FLAT 4")
buildingNumber String Number of the building
buildingName String Name of the building (use for any non-numeric building identifier)
subStreet String Dependent thoroughfare
street String Main thoroughfare
postCode String Postcode
subLocality String Royal Mail double-dependent locality (e.g. village)
locality String Royal Mail dependent locality (e.g. district)
town String Royal Mail post town
stateRegion String County
countryCode String ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 Country Code - Default: GBR
countryName String e.g. United Kingdom
freeFormatAddress String Comma-delimited list of unknown address elements
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Reserved for future use
addressRecordId int Identifier for this property
pafMultipleResidency boolean Flag to indicate if Royal Mail identify this address as a Property in Multiple Occupancy
geographicInformation IdmDataGeographic See section on Geographic information
preMoverInformation IdmDataTracePreMoverInformation Information for properties where the occupants have shown an interest in moving
utilitiesInformation IdmDataUtilitiesInformation See section on Utilities information
rentalProperty boolean Flag to indicate if this address as a rental Property
socialHousing boolean Flag to indicate if this address is Clasified as Social Housing
addrLinkInfo IdmAddrLinkInfo Credit Address link information
propertyInformation IdmDataPropertyInformation List of property information
addrAutoTraceInfo IdmAddrAutoTraceInfo Autotrace address information
persons IdmDataArrayOfTracePerson See section on Person information
business IdmDataArrayOfTraceBusiness See section on Business information
pricePaid IdmDataArrayOfPricePaid Information on the price paid when the property was sold

The pre-mover IdmDataTracePreMoverInformation data structure is detailed below:

Type: IdmDataTracePreMoverInformation
Field Name Type Description
isPreMover boolean Flag to indicate if the property has occupants have shown an interest in moving, as shown by a property search having been conducted against the property
preMoverSearchDate IdmDataDate List of datee on which a property search was made
Type: IdmDataTraceBusiness

The IdmDataTraceBusiness data structure is detailed below:

Field Name Type Description
businessRecordId String Identifier for this business
department String Department
organisation String Organisation
businessDescriptor String Description of the business
currentExecutives IdmDataArrayOfExecutivesInformation Array of information on current executives
historicExecutives IdmDataArrayOfExecutivesInformation Array of information on previous executives
telephoneNumber String Business telephone number
companyRegNumber String Registered company number
employeeSize int Number of employees
employeesBand String Band letter code for the size of the company
sicCode String SIC code
financialInformation IdmDataTraceBusinessFinancial Financial information about the business
previousCompanyName String Previous company name (if the name has changed)
nameChangeDate IdmDataDate Date on which the company name was changed
btOsisNumber String List of BT-OSIS listed telephone numbers
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Array of any further information on the business
Type: IdmDataTraceBusinessFinancial


IdmDataTraceBusinessFinancial structure


Field Name Type Description
totalTurnoverFigure String Turnover (pounds sterling)
grossProfit String Gross profit (pounds sterling)
profitBeforeTax String Profit before tax (pounds sterling)
profitAfterTax String Profit after tax (pounds sterling)
dividends String Dividends (pounds sterling)
directorsFees String Directors fees (pounds sterling)
fixedAssests String Fixed assests (pounds sterling)
totalAssests String Total assests (pounds sterling)
netAssests String Net assests (pounds sterling)
debtors String Debtors (pounds sterling)
cash String Cash (pounds sterling)
creditors String Creditors (pounds sterling)
totalLiabilities String Total liabilities (pounds sterling)
netWorth String Net worth (pounds sterling)
workingCapital String Working capital (pounds sterling)
reserve String Reserve (pounds sterling)
retainedEarnings String Retained earnings (pounds sterling)
shareholderFunds String Shareholder funds (pounds sterling)
bankOverdraft String Bank overdraft (pounds sterling)
investments String Investments (pounds sterling)
Type: IdmDataTraceOptions
Field Name Type Description
offset int 0-based offset into the results for the returned data (Default: 0)
maxReturn int Maximum number of records to return from the search (Default: 10)
If Zero is supplied the default for that service shall be used.
traceDataLevel EnumTraceDataLevel Indicates the level of information to be returned (Default: PERSON)
maximumERYears EnumTraceRecencyYears Maximum number of Electoral Roll years to search (backwards from the current year) (Default: ALL)
includeBusiness Boolean Flag indicating whether business records should be included in the results (Default: true)
includeDeceased Boolean Flag indicating whether deceased persons should be included in the results (Default: true)
includeExecutiveNames Boolean Flag indicating whether business executive names should be searched (Default: true)
transposeNames Boolean Flag indicating whether firstName and lastName values should be transposed in the search (Default: false)
consentedDataOnly Boolean Flag indicating whether only persons with consented data should be included in the search (Default: false)
returnConsentedDataWithSearch Boolean Flag indicating whether persons with consented data should be returned in the results (Default: false)
enhancedSearching Boolean Flag indicating whether enhanced (approximate phonetic matching) should be attempted in the search when matching names. (Default: false).
For example, with enhancedSearching= true , a person with lastName= Brown would also be returned when searching against lastName= Braun.
radiusRangeMiles EnumTraceRadiusRangeMiles The distance in miles for which to search for matching persons. Only relevant for the Person Details profile.

The traceDataLevel enumeration may take one of the following values:

Type: EnumTraceDataLevel

The maximumERYears enumeration may take one of the following values:

Type: EnumTraceRecencyYears

Person radius search

Purpose: to search for individuals with the same first name and last name as the target person.

How to do it: specify a radius value in the radiusRangeMiles of the traceOptions block. The value must be one of the allowed values:

Type: EnumTraceRadiusRangeMiles - Contains the following integer options
1 6 15
2 7 20
3 8 25
4 9 50
5 10  
Type: IdmDataTracePerson
Field Name Type Description
personRecordId String Identifier for this person
title String Title of person (e.g. Ms, Mr, Dr, Mrs)
gender EnumGender Gender of person
firstName String First name (forename) of the person
middleName String Middle initial of the person
lastName String Last name (surname) of the person
possibleMarriedName String Possible married name
sourceType EnumTracePersonSourceType Primary source of the information on this person
goneAway boolean Flag to indicate if the person is listed as Goneaway
goneAway+ IdmDataGasrGoneAwayInfo Goneaway+ information
approximateResidencyLength int Number of years that the person may been have residence at this address
residency IdmDataResidencyPeriod One or more blocks of residency periods
consentedLandlines IdmDataArrayOfSourcedValues Array of consented landline telephone numbers
consentedMobiles IdmDataArrayOfSourcedValues Array of consented mobile telephone numbers
consentedEmails IdmDataArrayOfSourcedValues Array of consented email addresses
btOsisNumber String List of BT-OSIS listed telephone numbers
datesOfBirth IdmDataArrayOfDateOfBirthWithAge Array of possible dates of birth
isDeceased Boolean (optional) If true, indicates that this person is deceased. If false or omitted, indicates that this person is not deceased
datesOfDeath IdmDataArrayOfSourcedDates Array of possible dates of death (If present, indicates that this person is deceased) : In the case of NDR this date is the date the death was recorded.
directedBusinesses IdmDataArrayOfDirectorInformation Array of business directorships
declarationsOfBankruptcy IdmDataBankruptcyInformation Array of insolvency and bankruptcy information
disqualifiedDirectors IdmDataDirectorInformation Disqualified Directors
addressLinkInformation IdmDataAddressLinkInformation Information on linked addresses
onEditedER boolean Set to true if the person is on the edited Electoral Roll
onCommercialRoll boolean Set to true if the person is on the commercial (top-up) roll
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Array of any further information on the person
groupedRelatedData IdmDataAdditionalDataGroup Additional information held as a specific related group. As an example, any information on insurance policies taken out by the person are in a group with name Insurance.

The sourceType enumeration may take one of the following values:

Type: EnumTracePersonSourceType
Type: IdmDataTraceSearchAddress
Field Name Type Description
poBox String PO Box number (including the "PO Box" text. E.g. "PO BOX 1234")
dpsZipPlus String Royal Mail delivery point suffix
subBuilding String Flat or apartment (including "Flat" or "Apartment" text if appropriate. E.g. "FLAT 4")
buildingNumber String Number of the building
buildingName String Name of the building (use for any non-numeric building identifier)
subStreet String Dependent thoroughfare
street String Main thoroughfare
postCode String Postcode
subLocality String Double-dependent locality (e.g. village)
locality String Dependent locality (e.g. district)
town String Post town
stateRegion String County
countryCode String ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 Country Code - Default: GBR (not currently used)
countryName String Default: United Kingdom (not currently used)
freeFormatAddress String Comma-delimited list of unknown address elements (not currently used)
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Additional Data as Required
persons IdmDataArrayOfTraceSearchPerson Information about the list of people associated with this address
business IdmDataTraceSearchBusiness Information about any Business associated with this address
pricePaid IdmDataPricePaid Reserved for future use

The persons element of an address is an array (of type IdmDataArrayOfTraceSearchPerson) with a maximum of two persons specified. The structure for each person is shown in: IdmDataTraceSearchPerson

Type: IdmDataTraceSearchBusiness
Field Name Type Description
department String Department name
organisation String Organisation (company) name
businessDescriptor String Business descriptor keyword. Typically use with a trailing wildcard (e.g. "RETAIL*")
Type: IdmDataTraceSearchPerson
Field Name Type Description
title String Title of person (e.g. Ms, Mr, Dr, Mrs)
gender EnumGender Gender of person
firstName String First name (forename) of the person
middleName String Middle initial of the person
lastName String Last name (surname) of the person
dateOfBirth IdmDataTraceDateWithRange Date object containing a date of birth
exactMiddleName Boolean Flag to indicate when strict matching on the middle initial is required (default: true)
relatedPeople IdmRelatedTracePersons See Section on related Person
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Reserved for future use

The gender enumeration may take one of the following values:

Type: EnumGender

The dateOfBirth structure may contains the following elements:

Type: IdmDataTraceDateWithRange
Field Name Type
day int
month int
year int
range (Optional) May contain a range for the age of the person. This can be used as an alternative to specifying a particular date.

The range structure may contains the following elements:

Type: IdmDataDateRange
Field Name Type
minAge int
maxAge int
Type: IdmDataUtilitiesInformation
Field Name Type Description
fuelType fuelType GAS | ELECTRICITY | BOTH
gasInformation IdmDataUtilitiesGasInformation Gas Utility information
electricityInformation IdmDataUtilitiesElectricityInformation Electricity Utility information
Type: IdmRelatedTracePersons
Field Name Type Description
type EnumRelatedPersonType UNKNOWN | NEIGHBOUR | ALIAS
person List of IdmDataRelatedPerson See section of related Person
Type: IdmDataRelatedPerson
Field Name Type Description
title String Title of person (e.g. Ms, Mr, Dr, Mrs)
firstname String First name (forename) of the person
middlename String Middle initial of the person
lastname String Last name (surname) of the person
DateOfBirth IdmDataDateWithRange Date object containing a date of birth
Type: IdmRequestOptions
Field Name Type Description
addressEnvelopeFormat String Format of the free form text returned in the formattedAddress field of each address, as described by an Envelope Format string.
relatedDataItems IdmDataArrayKeys List of keys (string) of address-related data to return for each address.
offset int Record number of the first record to be returned in the list (0 based)
maxReturn int Maximum number of records to be returned
addressSearchType String Not used
casing EnumCasing UPPER | LOWER | MIXED
additionalItems IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Extensible array of key value pairs
transliteration EnumTransliteration NATIVE | LATIN | INPUT
countryCodeFormat EnumCountryCodeFormat ISO3| ISO2| ISON

Envelope Format

The following envelope formats are recognised by the Web service:

Format Code Description
A4P Four address lines and postcode
A5P Five address lines and postcode
A6P Six address lines and postcode
A2TCP Two address lines, town, county and postcode
A3TCP Three address lines, town, county and postcode
A4TCP Four address lines, town, county and postcode
NA4P Name, four address lines and postcode
NA5P Name, five address lines and postcode
NA6P Name, six address lines and postcode
NA2TCP Name, two address lines, town, county and postcode
NA3TCP Name, three address lines, town, county and postcode
NA4TCP Name, four address lines, town, county and postcode
A4P-B Four address lines without business
A4TCP-B Four address lines, town, county and postcode without business
PAF All address elements
Type: InformationHeaderResponse
Field Name Type Description
status EnumRequestStatus SUCCESS | FAILURE
bulletins ArrayOfBulletin  

Type: ArrayOfBulletin
Field Name Type Description
bulletin Bulletin List of Bulletin

Type: Bulletin
Field Name Type Description
type EnumBulletinType  
code String  
text String  
Type: MatchDetails
Field Name Type Description
streetMatchingLevel EnumMatchDetailsMatchLevel EXACT | POSSIBLE | PROBABLE
houseMatchingLevel EnumMatchDetailsMatchLevel EXACT | POSSIBLE | PROBABLE
Type: NOC
Field Name Type Description
locationIndicator EnumLocationCode CURRENT | PREVIOUS | PRE_PREVIOUS
nocMessage String Detail of Correction
Type: ProfileRequestCapture
Field Name Type Description
customerReference String User-supplied reference to help track the request
profileGuid String Profile to execute detailing which data sets to use
configurationId Int (Default: 1) Which configuration of the specified Profile to use
masterTransactionGuid String Reserved
requestData ProfileRequestCaptureData Input data for the request (e.g. the address to look-up)
Type: ProfileRequestCaptureData
Field Name Type Description
address IdmDataSearchAddress Name and/or Address to search
telephone List of IdmDataCaptureTelephone List of telephone numbers to process
email List of String List of email addresses to process
ipAddress List of String Reserved for future use
bank List of IdMDataCaptureBank List of bank details to process
filters IdmDataArrayFilter Reserved for future use
options IdmRequestOptions Optional flags controlling the search
additionalData IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Additional information
Type: ProfileRequestTrace
Field Name Type Description
customerReference String User-supplied reference to help track the request
profileGuid String Profile to execute detailing which data sets to use
configurationId Int (Default: 1) Which configuration of the specified Profile to use
masterTransactionGuid String Reserved
requestData ProfileRequestTraceData Input data for the request (e.g. the address to look-up)
Type: ProfileRequestTraceData
Field Name Type Description
pickItemId String (Optional) Unique identifier for a particular person, business or property. Used by the Person Details, Business Details or Property Details profiles. It must be provided for any request for person, property, business or street details. It is ignored for an initial search request.
address IdmDataTraceSearchAddress (Optional) Name and/or Address to search. It must be provided for an initial search request. It is ignored for any request for person, property, business or street details.
telephone IdmDataCaptureTelephone (Optional) List with single telephone number to reverse-search.
email String (Optional) List with single email address to reverse-search.
filters IdmDataArrayFilter Reserved for future use
traceOptions IdmDataTraceOptions Optional flags controlling the search
addressPlusTelData    Information detailing the Credit Address Plus item we want to check for a telephone number

Note that the pickItemId element is ignored by the Search profile, and the address, telephone & email elements are ignored by the Person Details, Business Details or Property Details profiles.

In order to get a pickItemId, a call using the Search profile should be performed that will return (if appropriate) with results that include one or more of each of the following:

Type: ProfileResponse

The ProfileResponse structure contains the results for an operation performed against a profile.

Field Name Type Description
profileHeader ProfileResponseHeader Contains the Profile information for the results of the query
profileResponses ProfileResponseDetails List of response data for the query


The ProfileResponseDetails structure contains the results for an operation performed against a product/data service in the Profile. It is possible to call multiple products in a single profile; in this case there will be multiple ProfileResponseDetails structures, one for each product. 

Type: ProfileResponseDetails
Field Name Type Description
transactionGuid String Unique transaction identifier for the component e.g. Search component
componentName String Name of the component
componentAction String Component Action
responseType Enum TRACE
notes String Notes accompanying the response
invoice DataLicenceInvoice List of charges for the query
captureResponse CaptureResponse Data from a component returning data e.g. SEARCH data, from an ExecuteCapture request
validateResponse ValidateResponse Data from a component returning data e.g. VALIDATE data, from an ExecuteProfile request
verifyResponse VerifyResponse (reserved)
traceResponse TraceResponse Data from a component returning data e.g. SEARCH data, from an ExecuteTrace request
Type: ProfileResponseHeader
Field Name Type Description
profileGuid UUID Identifier for the profile
profileName String Name for the profile
transactionGuid UUID Identifier for the transaction (request/response)
transactionTimeStamp dateTime Time when this transaction took place
profileStatus EnumStatus FAILURE | SUCCESS
remarks String  
Type: SecurityHeader
Field Name Type Description
username String The username used to access the system including domain name (e.g. "")
authenticationToken String Unique authentication token granting one time execution access to the services
ipAddress String (Optional) The IP Address of the requesting machine. Must be supplied if it was given in the AuthenticateUser request.
Type: SecurityHeaderResponse
Field Name Type Description
authenticationToken String New authentication token to use for the next request
authenticationTime XMLGregorianCalendar Time when this new token was generated
sessionExpiryTime XMLGregorianCalendar Time when this new token becomes invalid
Type: TraceResponse

The TraceResponse structure contains response records for a particular component/product. The data is held in a standard format across all products. The data structure is a flexible set of arrays designed to represent the data in a way that reflects the records in context of the search. The arrangement of the data will depend on the product in question. For more information on the layout of the response data please refer to the corresponding product documentation.

Field Name Type Description
recordsReturned Int Number individual of records returned e.g. number of people or businesses
moreData Boolean Indicates if more data on the server, which could be retrieved by re-submitting the request with a suitable offset
totalRecordCount Int Total records available from the query
totalPages Int Pagination - Total pages. (Not relevant for a web service request)
responseCount Int Number of groups of responses returned
response TraceResponseData Response data
Type: TraceResponseData
Field Name Type Description
address IdmDataTraceAddressPlus List of Addresses
groupedRelatedData IdmDataAdditionalDataGroup List of related data
Type: ValidateResponse

The ValidateResponse structure contains response records for a particular validation component/product. The data is held in a standard format across all products. The data structure is a flexible set of arrays designed to represent the data in a way that reflects the records in context of the validation request. The arrangement of the data will depend on the product in question. For more information on the layout of the response data please refer to the corresponding product documentation.

Field Name Type Description
recordsReturned Int Number individual of records returned e.g. number of people or businesses
responseCount Int Number of groups of responses returned
response ValidateResponseData Response data
Type: ValidateResponseData
Field Name Type Description
input String The input value
status EnumStatus FAILURE | SUCCESS
validityFlag EnumValidityFlag VALID | INVALID | UNKNOWN | UNSUPPORTED
validationCodes IdmDataArrayAdditionalData List of validation codes

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