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Profiles For All Web Services

Matchcode 360 Profiles

Matchcode 360 UK Profiles

Name Description GUID
Matchcode360 Utilities Register Utitlies Gas and Electricity Consolidated Address data file 942A500C-F57F-4C7B-9C1D-0F8246CA3890
MultiDatabase MultiDatabase Data - Enables the combination of multiple UK Address Datasets C7547A80-79C9-4D43-9681-01098B045E9C
Matchcode UK Powersearch Powersearch on UK "Names" Dataset (PAF only) 5E81018F-2BDA-47A6-B6DD-535FEE88303B
Matchcode UK Address UK address search (including Royal Mail PAF products, Electoral Roll , Acorn etc.) A86F1483-822B-4CB8-A683-349F54F4A6C6
Matchcode Geo+ UK address search of Royal Mail PAF, Multiple Residence and Not-Yet-Built data. Includes UDPRN, UMRRN, UPRN and premises-level geo-coordinates 62542ECC-E280-47E9-A3D8-40645F5789C2
Matchcode AddressBase Ordnance Survey (OS) AddressBase - Premium and Core versions BCB96C1A-BC4C-4110-8A9E-A097B55380BB
Matchcode AddressBase Powersearch Powersearch on OS' AddressBase Dataset D68EBF4A-79B2-42BD-B125-04DE2EC63F3C
Matchcode Business Data Matchcode Business Data 7C779053-F673-4903-9366-87ED5B1D3448

Matchcode 360 EircodeProfiles

Name Description GUID
Matchcode Eircode Executes Irish address file, Eircode,  through Matchcode 6A5507FB-A79A-4008-BFC5-3E56CB851B79
Matchcode Eircode Powersearch Powersearch on Eircode Dataset 26FE03B4-59BF-4592-BDF1-C1F16152F87B

Matchcode360 Global Profiles

Name Description GUID
Matchcode Global International address lookup service 90C3BA3B-491D-4119-B5B6-0B8B624EEFAA
Matchcode Global Powersearch Powersearch on International Address file D181EE43-A333-4226-9942-7BEC01EBC377

Matchcode360 Contact Validation Profiles

Name Description GUID
Email Email Validation - Validate email quality and and full deliverability 20B3F459-7D04-42AD-B7E2-AA1D5FE07E82
Global Telephone (Full) - Web Service Global Telephone service; Validation against mobile and landine. Customisable cache usage. 454F13CA-8C71-40D6-9FEF-A88D821C99E4
Global Telephone (Rapid) - Web Service Global Telephone Rapid service; Validation against mobile and landine. Cache only. 315559EB-94DD-49B8-8277-FEEB42CD6820
Bank Account Validation Bank Account Validation Service - Sort Code file, Account No. + Sort code validate and Direct Debit validation 39944560-4137-489A-A72D-64F0F3524B08

Matchcode360 Consumer Intelligence Profiles

Name Description GUID
Matchcode Consumer Intelligence Premium profile containing matchcode, consented data and social data. 77F71571-71D8-4A14-93F2-F3851134E3E2
UK Telephone number - Directory Enquiries Osis Directory Enquiry Service Capture C4915B34-639A-45AB-B6D5-75F61DFE73B9
UK Telephone number - Tele-Append Osis Teleappend Service Capture 5C29EE0D-5710-4C21-9D79-D6341B18A855
Matchcode360 Social Sync Enhanced consumer insight enabling Social Media Sync and Affinity data returns 80C4EEF2-0F89-467A-BCDF-690864EA58B1

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