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Bank Account Validation Integration Guide

This guide explains how to access GBGroup's Bank Account Validation web service product using their Identity Management Platform (IdM), available via SOAP web services. 

The fundamentals of integrating with the service are described here: Integration Fundamentals

Matchcode Validation Service 

The bank account validation service performs modulus checking of bank account numbers against sort codes.

This service can be used to check that an account number matches to a sortcode. Modulus checking can be applied to various activities, including allowing originators of transactions for the Bacs clearing service to write and use software that checks the possible validity of the account details quoted in their payment instructions before submission. Validating the sorting code and account details of these transactions has many benefits including helping to reduce the number of transactions that may be returned.

The Matchcode Validation Service products are available via the Identity Management ExecuteCapture web service method.

Global Bank Validation - Input Criteria

Method: ExecuteCapture

The ExecuteCapture method is used to access the Bank Account Validation product and services by specifying the corresponding profile.

Input Details

Type: ExecuteCaptureRequest

Field Name Type Description
securityHeader SecurityHeader The username used to access the system including domain name (e.g.
profileRequest ProfileRequestCapture Details of the request

In the profileRequest element, the profileGuid should be specified as:

Profile  GUID
Bank Account Validation 39944560-4137-489A-A72D-64F0F3524B08

Bank Account Validation Criteria

The bank validation criteria should be entered into the IdMDataCaptureBank data structure (Note: both Sort Code and Account Number should be supplied together):

ExecuteCapture → ProfileRequestCapture → ProfileRequestCaptureData → IdMDataCaptureBank

Type: IdMDataCaptureBank

Field Name Type Description
accountNumber String Bank Account Number
sortcode String Bank Sortcode
Bank Input XML

The following XML sample demonstrates a request data object containing both an address and two bank accounts for validation.

<!-- Request Input Data - Bank Account Validation -->
     <req:address />
     <req:filters tmp="?" />
     <req:additionalData tmp="?" />

JSON sample:

    "customerReference": "Test",
    "profileGuid": "39944560-4137-489A-A72D-64F0F3524B08",
    "configurationId": "1",
    "requestData": {
         "bank": [{
            "accountNumber": "12345678",
            "sortcode": "110167"
       "options": {
        "offset": "0",
        "maxReturn": "100",
      "countryCodeFormat": "ISO_3"

Bank Output Format

The results of the GB Bank Account Web Service search are returned in a ProfileResponseDetails structure with a ProfileResponseDetails → responseType of 'VALIDATE'.

The ProfileResponseDetails structure contains a single ValidateResponse data structure which holds an array of ValidateResponseData records containing the returned validation data per input bank account details.

ExecuteCaptureResponse → ProfileResponse [0] → ProfileResponseDetails [0] → ValidateResponse → ValidateResponseData

The returned ValidateResponseData data structure is detailed below:

Type: ValidateResponseData

Field Name Type Description
input String The input Bank Account and Sortcode
status Enumeration SUCCESS if the validation has taken place, FAILURE otherwise
validityFlag Enumeration Overall validation result of the number (VALID, INVALID, UNKNOWN, UNSUPPORTED)
validationCodes IdmDataArrayAdditionalData Array of key value pairs containing the validation response codes for the input
Sample Output XML

The following output XML demonstrates the ProfileResponse for the bank component. The component name is Bank Account Validation and the response type is VALIDATE.

The validation results for each bank account will be returned in the same order as input. The array of ValidateResponse data structures contain the individual response details. The primary response value is validityFlag which dictates whether or not the account has been deemed to be valid or not. In addition a series of key value pair response codes are returned for each number, which contain data supplier specific summaries of the input.

<!-- Bank Account Component Response -->
   <req:componentName>Bank Account Validation</req:componentName>
   <!-- Billing Invoice -->
   <!-- Response Data -->
      <!-- One response per account -->
               <data:value>CHELMSFORD HIGH STREET</data:value>
               <data:value>West Yorkshire</data:value>
               <data:value>CHELMSFORD HIGH STREET</data:value>
               <data:value>HALIFAX (A TRADING NAME OF BANK OFSCOTLAND PLC)</data:value>
               <data:value>High Street (C)</data:value>
               <data:value>Chelmsford, High Street (C)</data:value>
               <data:value>P O Box 722</data:value>
               <data:value>P O Box 722, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS19GG</data:value>
   "profileHeader":    {
      "profileGuid": "39944560-4137-489A-A72D-64F0F3524B08",
      "profileName": "Bank Account Validation",
      "transactionGuid": "B7CD6412-17A5-41EF-82FD-6B0049570556",
      "transactionTimeStamp": 1433169119260,
      "profileStatus": "SUCCESS",
      "remarks": null
   "profileResponseDetails": [   {
      "transactionGuid": "7CA55488-7E15-4842-B68C-67D81D3E7CC7",
      "componentName": "Bank Account Validation",
      "componentStatus": "SUCCESS",
      "componentAction": "Validate",
      "responseType": "VALIDATE",
      "notes": "[]",
      "invoice":       {
         "invoiceList": [         {
            "invoiceGuid": "D2977BB6-2FF6-4432-A7E5-5A9738B57FF5",
            "billingInformationGuid": "A701CC55-0220-4524-85CD-31A6F2F7AAA6",
            "dataLicenceDescription": null,
            "billingPoints": 1,
            "creditsUsed": 1,
            "dataSetInvoices": [            {
               "dataSetCode": "BANKCHECK",
               "billingPoints": 1,
               "recordsReturned": 1,
               "dataLicenceGuid": "A701CC55-0220-4524-85CD-31A6F2F7AAA6"
         "tmp": null
      "captureResponse": null,
      "validateResponse":       {
         "resultStatus": "VERIFY",
         "recordsReturned": 1,
         "responseCount": 1,
         "response": [         {
            "input": "SortCode{number='110167'};BankAccountNumber{number='12345678'}",
            "status": "SUCCESS",
            "validityFlag": "VALID",
            "validationCodes":             {
               "item":                [
                     "key": "ValidationStatus",
                     "value": "INCOMPATIBLE"
                     "key": "IsAccountNumberValid",
                     "value": "true"
                     "key": "IsSortCodeValid",
                     "value": "true"
                     "key": "IsAccountNumberValidForSortCode",
                     "value": "false"
                     "key": "IsModulusEntryFoundForSortCode",
                     "value": "true"
                     "key": "IsBranchFoundForSortCode",
                     "value": "true"
                     "key": "BankName",
                     "value": "HALIFAX"
                     "key": "BranchName",
                     "value": "CHELMSFORD HIGH STREET"
                     "key": "AddressTown",
                     "value": "Leeds"
                     "key": "AddressCounty",
                     "value": "West Yorkshire"
                     "key": "AddressPostCode",
                     "value": "LS19GG"
                     "key": "DetailsBIC",
                     "value": "HLFXGB21E30"
                     "key": "DetailsSub",
                     "value": "00"
                     "key": "DetailsShortTitle",
                     "value": "CHELMSFORD HIGH STREET"
                     "key": "DetailsShortName",
                     "value": "HALIFAX"
                     "key": "DetailsName",
                     "value": "HALIFAX (A TRADING NAME OF BANK OFSCOTLAND PLC)"
                     "key": "DetailsBankCode",
                     "value": "0012"
                     "key": "DetailsNCBCode",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "DetailsSupervisoryBody",
                     "value": "A"
                     "key": "DetailsDeletedDate",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "DetailsLastChangeDate",
                     "value": "28/05/2012"
                     "key": "DetailsPrintIndicator",
                     "value": "0"
                     "key": "DetailsBranchType",
                     "value": "M"
                     "key": "DetailsMainBranchSortCode",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "DetailsMajorLocationName",
                     "value": "CHELMSFORD"
                     "key": "DetailsMinorLocationName",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "DetailsBranchName",
                     "value": "High Street (C)"
                     "key": "DetailsSecondEntry",
                     "value": "1"
                     "key": "DetailsSecondName",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "DetailsFullBranchTitle",
                     "value": "Chelmsford, High Street (C)"
                     "key": "DetailsTel1",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "DetailsTel2",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "BACSStatus",
                     "value": "A"
                     "key": "BACSDateLastChanged",
                     "value": "06/06/2005"
                     "key": "BACSDateClosed",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "BACSRedirectFlag",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "BACSRedirectSortCode",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "BACSSettlementBank",
                     "value": "0008"
                     "key": "BACSSettlementSection",
                     "value": "01"
                     "key": "BACSSettlementSubSection",
                     "value": "00"
                     "key": "BACSHandlingBank",
                     "value": "0008"
                     "key": "BACSHandlingBankStream",
                     "value": "04"
                     "key": "BACSAccountsNumberedFLag",
                     "value": "N"
                     "key": "BACSdDIVoucherFlag",
                     "value": "N"
                     "key": "BACSTransactionsDisallowed",
                     "value": "CU"
                     "key": "CAndCCStatus",
                     "value": "F"
                     "key": "CAndCCDateLastChange",
                     "value": "28/05/2012"
                     "key": "CAndCCDateClosed",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "CAndCCSettlementBank",
                     "value": "8"
                     "key": "CAndCCDebitAgencySortCode",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "CAndCCReturnIndicator",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "CAndCCGBNIIndicator",
                     "value": "GB"
                     "key": "CHAPSReturnIndicator",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "CHapsStatus",
                     "value": "I"
                     "key": "CHAPSDateLastChange",
                     "value": "22/12/2003"
                     "key": "CHAPSDateClosed",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "CHAPSSettlementMember",
                     "value": "008"
                     "key": "CHAPSRoutingBic",
                     "value": "BOFSGB3EXXX"
                     "key": "FasterStatus",
                     "value": "A"
                     "key": "FasterDateLastChange",
                     "value": "12/09/2011"
                     "key": "FasterDateClosed",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "FasterRedirectFlag",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "FasterRedirectSortCode",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "FasterSettlementBankType",
                     "value": "01"
                     "key": "FasterSettlementBankCode",
                     "value": "0004"
                     "key": "FasterConnectionType",
                     "value": "01"
                     "key": "FasterBankCode",
                     "value": "0004"
                     "key": "FasterAccountsNumberedFlag",
                     "value": "N"
                     "key": "FasterAgencyType",
                     "value": "I"
                     "key": "AddressLine1",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "AddressLine2",
                     "value": "P O Box 722"
                     "key": "AddressLine3",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "AddressLine4",
                     "value": ""
                     "key": "Sortcode",
                     "value": "110167"
                     "key": "Address",
                     "value": "P O Box 722, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS19GG"
               "tmp": null
      "verifyResponse": null,
      "traceResponse": null
Detailed Bank Responses
Name Description
IsAccountNumberValid Account number validation status (true/false)
IsSortCodeValid Sortcode validation status (true/false)
IsAccountNumberValidForSortCode Is the Account number valid with the supplied Sortcode (true/false)
Sortcode Branch Sortcode
BankName Bank Name
BranchName Branch Name
Address The Full address formatted in one field
AddressLine1 The first line of the Full address
AddressLine2 The second line of the Full address
AddressLine3 The third line of the Full address
AddressLine4 The fourth line of the Full address
AddressTown Town Branch is located in
AddressCounty County Branch is located in
AddressPostCode Branch Postcode
DetailsBranchName The Branch name for requested Sortcode
DetailsSecondEntry Will be 1 or 2.
DetailsFullBranchTitle This is an extended title for the bank office. If the institution does not provide a full branch title, the details in DetailsShortTitle will be copied here.
DetailsTel1 Telephone Number of Branch
DetailsTel2 Alternative Telephone Number of Branch
DetailsSub Subbranch Title
DetailsShortTitle Short Branch Title as appears on cheque books
DetailsShortName short name of owning bank as approved by Payments Council
DetailsBankCode Numeric Bank code of Owning bank as allocated by Vocalink
DetailsNCBCode National Central Bank Country Code
DetailsSupervisoryBody For bank offices that are agencies in one or more of the clearings, specifies the authorising body. Will be either:
A : for PRA/FCA
B : for other financial authorities
C : for Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man
D : for Other.
DetailsDeletedDate When a bank office is closed in all services it is removed from the ISCD. This field shows the date the bank office will be deleted from the ISCD
DetailsLastChangeDate Will be the date the last amendment was made to any of the clearing groups or the other general information group
DetailsPrintIndicator Print Indicator 0 to 5
DetailsBranchType M : Bank office is a main bank office
S : Bank office is a subbank office Same sorting code as the main bank office but with a subbank office suffix
L : Bank office is a linked bank office Linked to a main bank office with different sorting code
DetailsMainBranchSortCode If the branch type indicator is set to L, will be the sorting code of the bank office this bank office is linked to
DetailsMajorLocationName Principally, these are the Post Office postal districts eg MANCHESTER, LONDON. VocaLink maintains a table of major locations.
DetailsMinorLocationName These can be any values.
BACSStatus M : Bank office of Bacs member, accepts Bacs payments A : Bank office of agency bank, accepts Bacs payments N : Bank office does not accept Bacs payments
BACSDateLastChanged Will be the effective date of the last amendment made to this data group (ie the bank office's Bacs information).
BACSDateClosed Will be the date the bank office will be closed in the Bacs clearing. The date will be set at the same time as the status is set to N.
BACSRedirectFlag If the bank office is set as the redirection sorting code for one or more other bank offices, will be set to R. Otherwise, the field will be blank.
BACSRedirectSortCode If appropriate the six-digit sorting code to which output destined for this sorting code will be redirected
BACSSettlementBank Will be the numeric, VocaLink generated, bank code of the Bacs member that settles the Bacs output for this sorting code. For Bacs members this will be the same as DetailsBankCode For agencies in Bacs this will be the bank code of one of the Bacs members.
BACSSettlementSection Data required for Bacs output and settlement, specified by the Bacs member
BACSSettlementSubSection Data required for Bacs output and settlement, specified by the Bacs member
BACSHandlingBank Will be the numeric, VocaLink generated, bank code of the Bacs member that handles the Bacs output for this bank office.
BACSHandlingBankStream Each Bacs member can divide its output into one or more streams.
This will be the numeric code of the output stream specified, by the handling bank, for output destined for this bank office.
BACSAccountsNumberedFLag Account numbered flag:
Y : Bank office has transferable account numbers On redirection due to branch closure the account number is not zeroised. N : Bank office does not transferable account numbers On redirection due to branch closure the account number is zeroised.
BACSdDIVoucherFlag Will be either:
Y : Bank office cannot accept output of electronic DDIs Requires printed vouchers N : Bank office can accept output of electronic DDIs Does not require printed vouchers.
BACSTransactionsDisallowed Will be DR if the bank office cannot accept DR transaction types
Will be CR if the bank office cannot accept CR transaction types
Will be CU if the bank office cannot accept CU transaction types
Will be BS if the bank office cannot accept BS transaction types
Will be DV if the bank office cannot accept DV transaction types
Will be AU if the bank office cannot accept AU transaction types
CAndCCStatus M : Bank office of a C&CC member
F : Bank office of a full agency bank
D : Bank office of a debit agency bank
N : Bank office is not part of C&CC clearing
CAndCCDateLastChange Will be the effective date of the last amendment made to this data group (ie the bank office's C&CC information).
CAndCCDateClosed Will be the date the bank office will be closed in the C&CC clearing. The date will be set at the same time as the status is set to N.
CAndCCSettlementBank VocaLink generated, bank code of the C&CC member that settles the C&CC output for this bank office. For C&CC members this will be the same as field 9. For agencies in C&CC this will be the bank code of one of the C&CC members
CAndCCDebitAgencySortCode If the status is set to D, will be the sorting code of the bank office that handles cheque clearing for this bank office. Otherwise will be blank.
CAndCCReturnIndicator Return Indicator
CAndCCGBNIIndicator For C&CC purposes, this field identifies whether an office is in mainland Great Britain (GB) or Northern Ireland (NI). This field may be blank.
CHAPSReturnIndicator R : If the bank office is the nominated return office
The office to which returned CHAPS Sterling payments should be sent
CHapsStatus D : Bank office is a direct office of a CHAPS member that accepts CHAPS Sterling payments
I : Bank office is an indirect office of a CHAPS member or agency bank that accepts CHAPS Sterling payments
N : Bank office does not accept CHAPS Sterling payments
Note: a direct office is bank office that is part of the SWIFT closed user group.
CHAPSDateLastChange Will be the effective date of the last amendment made to this data group (ie the bank office's CHAPS Sterling information).
CHAPSDateClosed Will be the date the bank office will be closed in the CHAPS Sterling clearing. The date will be set at the same time as the status is set to N.
CHAPSSettlementMember Will be the numeric CHAPS ID of the CHAPS Sterling member that settles the CHAPS Sterling payments for this bank office. For CHAPS Sterling members this will be the same as field 9. For agencies in CHAPS Sterling this will be the bank code of one of the CHAPS Sterling members.
Note: this is not the BACS bank code. It is a numeric code used in both CHAPS clearings, and the first digit is always zero.
CHAPSRoutingBic Specifies the SWIFT closed user group to which CHAPS Sterling payments for this bank office should be routed.
FasterStatus M : Bank office of FPS member, accepts FPS payments
A : Bank office of FPS agency bank, accepts FPS payments
N : Bank office does not accept FPS payments. S
FasterDateLastChange Will be the effective date of the last amendment made to this data group (ie the bank office's Faster Payments information).
FasterDateClosed Will be the date the bank office will be closed in the Faster Payments clearing. The status will be set to N when date closed is effective.
FasterRedirectFlag If the bank office is set as the redirection sorting code for one or more bank offices, will be set to R.
FasterRedirectSortCode The six-digit sorting code to which output destined for this sorting code will be redirected
FasterSettlementBankType Will be a two-digit connectivity code. Will be 01 (FPS member).
FasterSettlementBankCode Will be the bank code of the FPS member that settles the Faster Payments output for this sorting code.
FasterConnectionType Will be a two-digit connectivity code, either:
01 : FPS member
02 : Direct agency
04 : Responding third party beneficiary
05 : Nonresponding third party beneficiary
FasterBankCode Will be the bank code of the FPS member, agency or third party beneficiary that the Faster Payments routed payment will be sent to.
FasterAccountsNumberedFlag Y : Bank office has transferable account numbers On redirection due to branch closure the account number is not zeroised.
N : Bank office does not transferable account numbers On redirection due to branch closure the account number is zeroised.
FasterAgencyType Mandatory when status equals A. Will be either:
D : Bank office is a direct agency FPS payment requests are sent directly to the agency
I : Bank office is an indirect agency FPS payment requests are sent via an intermediary bank. The intermediary bank can be either an FPS member or a direct agency, that is handling bank connection type 01 or 02 respectively.

Error Information

Information on possible error codes is given here: Error Code Information

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