Global Address Integration Guide
This guide explains how to access GBGroup's Global Address web service products using their Identity Management Platform (IdM), available via SOAP web services.
The fundamentals of integrating with the service are described here: Integration Fundamentals
Please note: Wherever <LatestWSDLVersion> is shown in Example Code below, please replace this with GlobalServices21a.wsdl.
Global Address Web Service Product Information
Matchcode Global is designed to meet the address and data management needs of any organisation, from the smallest business to the largest transnational company. Matchcode offers a choice of address search types that enable you to capture, verify, cleanse and enhance Global address data.
The Matchcode Global web service product is available via the Identity Management ExecuteCapture web service method.
WSDL information
The service and its operations are described by the following WSDL (and XSD files)<LatestWSDLVersion>
New versions of the WSDL contain descriptions of new services and features. WSDL version numbers are of the format NNa where:
NN – year number (e.g. 13, 14 etc)
a – letter signifying version release for that year.
For example, version releases for 2014 will be 14a, 14b, 14c etc.
New WSDLs employing new services are typically released every 3 - 4 months.
All versions are maintained and tested and designed to be backwards compatible i.e. any customer should be able to upgrade to the latest WSDL to gain access to the additional released functionality, without affecting their current integration.
Connection via REST
This guide describes how to connect to our Global Address service via SOAP, but our services can also be accessed via REST
Input Format
The ExecuteCapture method takes in a ExecuteCaptureRequest data structure, which contains all the information necessary to carry out the request.
Type: ExecuteCaptureRequest
Field Name | Type | Description |
securityHeader | SecurityHeader | The username and authentication token used to access the system. |
profileRequest | ProfileRequestCapture | Details of the request |
The SecurityHeader structure holds security data to access products and services in the IdM Platform.
The ProfileRequestCapture structure contains the criteria to identify the target product being called and the search data for the product request.
Within the profileRequest element, the profileGuid element should contain the GUID value listed below:
Profile | GUID |
Matchcode Global | 90C3BA3B-491D-4119-B5B6-0B8B624EEFAA |
Search Criteria
The address search criteria should be entered into the IdmDataSearchAddress data structure, which is located within the input details as follows:
ExecuteCapture → ProfileRequestCapture → ProfileRequestCaptureData → IdmDataSearchAddress
It is necessary to specify the country as part of the search criteria for any international address query. This can be specified using either the country name (in field countryName) or ISO country code (in field countryCode), or by putting the country name as the last line of the freeform input address.
In the UK a postcode and building number is often sufficient to produce a unique result or small choice of results, however the majority of countries in the world do not have postal codes, and most of those that do have postal codes that equate to bigger regions than for the UK. So it is in general necessary to provide more information for an international address query.
To find the correct street, we recommend supplying the following input:
- country
- town
- a significant part of the street name
To resolve to a unique address, also supply:
- building name or number, in their dedicated input fields
Additional Request Options
The additional search options, used for configuring options such as casing or transliteration of output results, can be set in the IdmRequestOptions structure located in the ProfileRequestCaptureData.options property.
Address Envelope Format
The addressEnvelopeFormat property settings that can be used are
Format Code | Description |
A3TCP | Three address lines, town, county and postcode |
A4TCP | Four address lines, town, county and postcode |
The transliteration property is used to control the script and character set used for the output address, and can be one of the values listed below. Transliteration occurs when the output script is different to the input script.
Value | Description |
NATIVE | Return address using the native character set for the country. |
LATIN | Return address transliterated into Latin characters. |
INPUT | Return address using the same character set as the input. This is the default behaviour. |
Country Code Format
The countryCodeFormat property is used to control the format of the output country code, and can be one of the values listed below.
Value | Description |
ISON | ISO 2 letter format country code |
ISO2 | ISO 3 letter format country code |
ISO3 |
ISO numeric country code |
Address Search Type
The addressSearchType property is used to control whether the service is going to be operated in an interactive or batch mode
Using REGISTER (the default if nothing specified in request) ambiguity lists can be produced, ideal to use where a customer is available to choose from a pick list.
Alternatively for situations where the customer isn't present (i.e. automatically verifying addresses in bulk) use a combination of VERIFY combined with maxReturn value of 1, this will provide the best matching result possible.
Request Additional Data
Additional data can be returned, or excluded from being returned, for each address by providing one or more values in the IdmRequestOption.relatedDataItems property.
For each value provided, the corresponding additional data is returned, and the corresponding additional data for all the values not provided are not returned.
The following values are supported by this service:
Key Mnemonic | Description | Returned By Default |
COUNTY(SPAA) | Super administrative area. The largest geographical data element within a country | Yes |
COUNTY(SBAA) | Sub administrative area. The smallest geographical data element within a country | Yes |
COUNTRY | Country Name | Yes |
COUNTRYCODE | Country Code | Yes |
Data from additional datasets can be enabled or disabled for an address search, by populating the ProfileRequestCaptureData.additionalData property with key-value pairs from the applicable list table below. To use a particular dataset, the user must be subscribed to the dataset.
This information should be entered into the IdmDataArrayAdditionalData data structure, which is located with the input details as follows:
ExecuteCapture → ProfileRequestCapture → ProfileRequestCaptureData → additionalData
Key Mnemonic | Key Value | Description |
GEOCODE | "Yes" or "No" | Request geographic information to be returned |
Each dataset, when enabled, supports a set of values which can be used in the related data items property of the request options, these values are listed below.
Geographic Information
Key Mnemonic | Description | Returned By Default |
LATITUDE | World geodetic standard 1984 datum latitude | Yes |
LONGITUDE | World geodetic standard 1984 datum longitude | Yes |
GEOCODESTATUS | Geocoding Status | Yes |
GEOCODELEVEL | Geocoding Level | Yes |
GEODISTANCE | Geocoding Distance | Yes |
Output Format
The results of the Business Data web service search are returned in a ProfileResponseDetails structure with a ProfileResponseDetail.responseType of 'CAPTURE'.
The ProfileResponseDetails structure contains a single CaptureResponse data structure which holds an array of IdmDataAddress records containing the returned address data.
ExecuteCaptureResponse > ProfileResponse [0] > ProfileResponseDetails [0] > CaptureResponse > CaptureResponseData > IdmDataAddress [n]
Additional data from a search may be returned in the additionalItems or the groupedAdditionalItems of the IdmDataAddress.
Output Fields
Apart from the standard address fields, the following additional fields are returned by the service:
Field | Related Data Item Key | Location In Response |
Administrative Area | N/A | IdmDataAddress → administrativeArea |
Sub administrative area | COUNTY(SBAA) | IdmDataAddress → subAdministrativeArea |
Super administrative area | COUNTY(SPAA) | IdmDataAddress → superAdministrativeArea |
Country name | COUNTRY | IdmDataAddress → countryName |
Geographic Information
When the GEOCODE dataset is enabled, the following fields are returned by the service:
Field | Related Data Item Key | Location In Response |
World geodetic standard 1984 datum latitude | LATITUDE | IdmDataAddress → IdmDataGeographic → latitude |
World geodetic standard 1984 datum longitude | LONGITUDE | IdmDataAddress → IdmDataGeographic → longitude |
Geocoding Status | GEOCODESTATUS | IdmDataAddress → IdmDataGeographic → status |
Geocoding Level | GEOCODELEVEL | IdmDataAddress → IdmDataGeographic → level |
Geocoding Distance | GEODISTANCE | IdmDataAddress → IdmDataGeographic → distance |
Field Value Mappings
Below are listed the mappings for certain fields, specifying what each possible value of the field means.
Geocoding Status
Value | Description |
P | Point: A single geocode was found matching the input address |
I | Interpolated: A geocode was able to be interpolated from the input addresses location in a range |
A | Average: Multiple candidate geocodes were found to match the input address, and an average of these was returned |
U | Unable to geocode: A geocode was not able to be generated for the input address |
Geocoding Level
Value | Description |
5 | Delivery Point (PostBox or SubBuilding) |
4 | Premise (Premise or Building) |
3 | Thoroughfare |
2 | Locality |
1 | Administrative Area |
0 | None |
Geocoding Distance
Geocoding Distance, will, where possible, give an expected maximum distance in meters from the given geocode to the physical location, calculated as follows:
- For Point geocodes, it will return the sector length (where available)
- For Interpolated geocodes, it will return the distance assigned to each premise (sector length/premise range size)
- For Average geocodes, it will return the diagonal distance of the bounding box (distance between minimum latitude & minimum longitude to maximum latitude & maximum longitude).
Country Codes and Coverage
Supported Countries
Country | ISO3 Code |
Afghanistan | AFG |
Albania | ALB |
Algeria | DZA |
American Samoa | ASM |
Andorra | AND |
Angola | AGO |
Anguilla | AIA |
Antarctica | ATA |
Antigua Barbuda | ATG |
Argentina | ARG |
Armenia | ARM |
Aruba | ABW |
Australia | AUS |
Austria | AUT |
Azerbaijan | AZE |
Bahamas | BHS |
Bahrain | BHR |
Bangladesh | BGD |
Barbados | BRB |
Belarus | BLR |
Belgium | BEL |
Belize | BLZ |
Benin | BEN |
Bermuda | BMU |
Bhutan | BTN |
Bolivia | BOL |
Bosnia Herzegovina | BIH |
Botswana | BWA |
Brazil | BRA |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IOT |
British Virgin Islands | VGB |
Brunei Darussalam | BRN |
Bulgaria | BGR |
Burkina Faso | BFA |
Burundi | BDI |
Cambodia | KHM |
Cameroon | CMR |
Canada | CAN |
Cape Verde | CPV |
Cayman Islands | CYM |
Central African Republic | CAF |
Chad | TCD |
Chile | CHL |
China | CHN |
Christmas Island | CXR |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CCK |
Colombia | COL |
Comoros | COM |
Congo | COG |
Congo, the Democratic Republic of | COD |
Cook Islands | COK |
Costa Rica | CRI |
Croatia | HRV |
Cuba | CUB |
Cyprus | CYP |
Czech Republic | CZE |
Denmark | DNK |
Djibouti | DJI |
Dominica | DMA |
Dominican Republic | DOM |
Ecuador | ECU |
Egypt | EGY |
El Salvador | SLV |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ |
Eritrea | ERI |
Estonia | EST |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Faeroe Islands | FRO |
Falkland Islands | FLK |
Fiji | FJI |
Finland | FIN |
France | FRA |
French Guiana | GUF |
French Polynesia | PYF |
French Southern Territories | ATF |
Gabon | GAB |
Gambia | GMB |
Georgia | GEO |
Germany | DEU |
Ghana | GHA |
Gibraltar | GIB |
Greece | GRC |
Greenland | GRL |
Grenada | GRD |
Guadeloupe | GLP |
Guam | GUM |
Guatemala | GTM |
Guernsey | GGY |
Guinea | GIN |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB |
Guyana | GUY |
Haiti | HTI |
Holy See | VAT |
Honduras | HND |
Hong Kong | HKG |
Hungary | HUN |
Iceland | ISL |
India | IND |
Indonesia | IDN |
Iran | IRN |
Iraq | IRQ |
Ireland | IRL |
Isle of Man | IMN |
Israel | ISR |
Italy | ITA |
Ivory Coast | CIV |
Jamaica | JAM |
Japan | JPN |
Jersey | JEY |
Jordan | JOR |
Kazakhstan | KAZ |
Kenya | KEN |
Kiribati | KIR |
Korea, Republic of | KOR |
Kuwait | KWT |
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ |
Laos | LAO |
Latvia | LVA |
Lebanon | LBN |
Lesotho | LSO |
Liberia | LBR |
Libya | LBY |
Liechtenstein | LIE |
Lithuania | LTU |
Luxemburg | LUX |
Macao | MAC |
Macedonia | MKD |
Madagascar | MDG |
Malawi | MWI |
Malaysia | MYS |
Maldives | MDV |
Mali | MLI |
Malta | MLT |
Marshall Islands | MHL |
Martinique | MTQ |
Mauritania | MRT |
Mauritius | MUS |
Mayotte | MYT |
Mexico | MEX |
Micronesia | FSM |
Moldova | MDA |
Monaco | MCO |
Mongolia | MNG |
Montenegro | MNE |
Montserrat | MSR |
Morocco | MAR |
Mozambique | MOZ |
Myanmar | MMR |
Namibia | NAM |
Nauru | NRU |
Nepal | NPL |
Netherlands Antilles | ANT |
Netherlands, The | NLD |
New Caledonia | NCL |
New Zealand | NZL |
Nicaragua | NIC |
Niger | NER |
Nigeria | NGA |
Niue | NIU |
Norfolk Island | NFK |
North Korea | PRK |
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP |
Norway | NOR |
Oman | OMN |
Pakistan | PAK |
Palau | PLW |
Palestinian Territory | PSE |
Panama | PAN |
Papua New Guinea | PNG |
Paraguay | PRY |
Peru | PER |
Philippines | PHL |
Pitcairn Island | PCN |
Poland | POL |
Portugal | PRT |
Puerto Rico | PRI |
Qatar | QAT |
Réunion | REU |
Romania | ROU |
Russia | RUS |
Rwanda | RWA |
Saint Barthélemy | BLM |
Saint Helena | SHN |
Saint Kitts & Nevis | KNA |
Saint Lucia | LCA |
Saint Martin | MAF |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM |
Saint Vincent & Grenadines | VCT |
Samoa | WSM |
San Marino | SMR |
Sao Tome & Principe | STP |
Saudi Arabia | SAU |
Senegal | SEN |
Serbia | SRB |
Seychelles | SYC |
Sierra Leone | SLE |
Singapore | SGP |
Slovakia | SVK |
Slovenia | SVN |
Solomon Islands | SLB |
Somalia | SOM |
South Africa | ZAF |
South Georgia and the South Islands | SGS |
Spain | ESP |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Sudan | SDN |
Suriname | SUR |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | SJM |
Swaziland | SWZ |
Sweden | SWE |
Switzerland | CHE |
Syria | SYR |
Taiwan | TWN |
Tajikistan | TJK |
Tanzania | TZA |
Thailand | THA |
Timor-Leste (formerly East Timor) | TLS |
Togo | TGO |
Tokelau | TKL |
Tonga | TON |
Trinidad & Tobago | TTO |
Tunisia | TUN |
Turkey | TUR |
Turkmenistan | TKM |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA |
Tuvalu | TUV |
Uganda | UGA |
Ukraine | UKR |
United Arab Emirates | ARE |
United Kingdom | GBR |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | UMI |
United States of America | USA |
United States Virgin Islands | VIR |
Uruguay | URY |
Uzbekistan | UZB |
Vanuatu | VUT |
Venezuela | VEN |
Vietnam | VNM |
Wallis and Futana Islands | WLF |
Western Sahara | ESH |
Yemen | YEM |
Zambia | ZMB |
Zimbabwe | ZWE |
Data Coverage considerations
Some countries have highly detailed reference datasets produced by the relevant postal authority. In these countries it is possible to verify and correct addresses down to the smallest level of detail (i.e. premise level).
However in other countries the reference data is only recorded to street level, and it is therefore not possible to validate individual premise numbers or address information that is of a finer detail than the street name in these cases.
'Parsing' is the process of applying address rules and logic to unmatched input information to determine what it refers to in an input address, in those cases where there is no reference data at this level to match against.
For example 'Cherry Tree Road' is most likely to be a street name due to the road-ending word in place.
You can check the output processing flag OutputStatus to see if a result is entirely verified by reference data or whether part of it is parsed.
Geographic Data
IdM can return positional information in the form of latitude and longitude values ('geocodes') for most results that resolve to an address.
There are different methods used to provide geocodes, depending on the extent of detail in the reference datasets we use. In many developed countries each individual premise has its own geocode independently recorded in the reference dataset. In some countries this is the case in urban areas but less widespread in more rural areas.
Interpolation is the process of estimating the geocode for an individual premise based typically on the premise number sequence of the road on which it lies. In other cases geocodes may only be recorded for individual towns or areas.
Postal addresses from around the world use a variety of different scripts or character sets, including Cyrillic (Russia), Hellenic (Greece), Arabic and Simplified Chinese to name just a few.
International address queries to IdM can be submitted in either native scripts such as these (using UTF8 unicode encoding), or in latin characters.
The corrected address can be output in either latin or native script, as specified by the request options
Example Requests & Responses
Example Requests
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
<req:customerReference>Documentation - Matchcode Global Address</req:customerReference>
<data:freeFormatAddress>722 Mt. Alexander Road,,,Melbourne,,3039</data:freeFormatAddress>
<req:filters tmp="?" />
<req:addressSearchLevel>PREMISE</req:addressSearchLevel><br> <req:addressSearchType>REGISTER</req:addressSearchType>
<req:additionalData tmp="?">
"freeFormatAddress":"722 Mt. Alexander Road,,,Melbourne"
Example Responses
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<mes:ExecuteCaptureResponse xmlns:mes="<LatestWSDLVersion>/"
<head:authenticationToken xmlns:xsi="">5A0DF024-9DE8-46F4-BD0C-5C58F3D74D9B</head:authenticationToken>
<head:authenticationTime xmlns:xsi="">2015-05-14T16:01:05.000+01:00</head:authenticationTime>
<head:sessionExpiryTime xmlns:xsi="">2015-05-14T16:36:15.348+01:00</head:sessionExpiryTime>
<req:profileName>Matchcode Global</req:profileName>
<req:componentName>Matchcode International Address Lookup</req:componentName>
<data:street>Mount Alexander Rd</data:street>
<data:town>Moonee Ponds</data:town>
<data:formattedAddress>722 Mount Alexander Rd,Moonee Ponds VIC 3039,,,,,</data:formattedAddress>
"profileName":"Matchcode Global",
"componentName":"Matchcode International Address Lookup",