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Telecoms leader giffgaff see 300% ROI after implementing address verification from Loqate

giffgaff isn’t your average telecoms company. Their key differentiator is ‘no contracts’, so members are always free to go. Some might say this is madness, but giffgaff is proud to boast the uSwitch Mobile Network of the Year 2017 award and boasts a Customer Satisfaction Index of 84.3, the highest of any telco in the UK.

Optimisation Manager Riaz Ali’s, priority is to improve user experience at every level of the giffgaff website. One area of particular focus was to make improvements to the existing address capture forms across all transactional pages, an area flagged as a concern.

‘We already had address verification in place, and this wasn’t a feature of the checkout we wanted to drop, however the existing user experience was poor which was leading to a loss of orders’.

Riaz and the team set up an extensive research project within the giffgaff customer base, combined with a deep dive into Google Analytics as well as implementing SessionCam (a customer interaction analysis tool). The results revealed that the existing address forms, were causing significant loss in customer orders – the main driver being people not pressing the ‘Find address’ button after entering their postcode.

‘I knew we needed to find a new provider and was really impressed with the Loqate user interface design and type ahead functionality. An address can be pretty much entered from any angle – it’s a more natural way of searching’.

We’ve seen an improved user experience with 25% uplift in members entering correct addresses since deployment.

giffgaff immediately set up A/B tests within specific checkout pages using the Loqate address type-ahead service, the first tests ran for 15 days and tested nearly 18,000 users. ‘During tests we saw a massive improvement in SIM orders, and since implementation, versus our old address lookup, we see 25% more of our members verifying their address correctly first time. Users definitely prefer the natural type ahead search functionality’.

The address search technology from Loqate is a vital component in the success of giffgaff’s online customer journey.

With the A/B tests providing significant results, Ali ensured the type-ahead address verification technology from Loqate was integrated across all of giffgaff’s transactional pages. ‘Following the implementation of the service we have seen uplift across the board on all transactional pages and happy to report a 300% ROI’.

Riaz Ali, Head of Optimizations, GiffGaff

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