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Maintain data quality and minimise compliance risks

Enhance, clean and deduplicate your customer and supplier data, reducing errors by up to 75%. No new software needed - just send us your files securely, and get back accurate, compliant data.

Get your free data audit

Optimise data quality
Optimise data quality

Protect your sender reputation, and maintain the integrity of their customer data.

Deduplication capabilities
Deduplication capabilities

Ensure your data is accurate, deduplicated, enriched and up to date across any industry.

Reduce data costs
Reduce data costs

Save on expenses and mitigate risk by supporting compliance and governance requirements.

Data degradation calculator

Try it now

Data migration

Ensures that only accurate and standardised address data is transferred, preventing issues in the new system when moving data from one system to another during system upgrades or mergers.



  • Reduces migration errors and inconsistencies

  • Ensures correct data migration

  • Identifies and corrects address issues early

  • Minimises post-migration corrections

  • Enhances data reliability for better outcomes

Master data management (MDM)

Keeps address data up-to-date and accurate over time. Supports business operations as part of ongoing data management practices on a scheduled basis (e.g., quarterly / annually). 



  • Reduces operational errors

  • Minimises costly corrections

  • Maintains data accuracy and consistency

  • Facilitates seamless data integration

  • Make informed business decisions with accurate analytics

Customer relationship management

Ensures that customer addresses are accurate, leading to better service delivery and communication, when updating customer information, such as during customer onboarding or periodic reviews.



  • Builds trust and loyalty through reliability

  • Ensures accurate customer addresses for timely deliveries

  • Enables personalized and targeted customer interactions

  • Enhances trust with accurate communication

  • Reduces returns and delivery errors, saving costs

Data cleanse for compliance

Correctly captures and validates address data supporting business operations and obligations that arise from legal regulations. Incorrect address information can lead to tax disadvantages, fines, or even criminal consequences.



  • Validates addresses to prevent money laundering (USA PATRIOT Act, EU Directive, FATF standards)

  • Meets legal obligations in tax, money laundering, data protection, and compliance

  • Ensures up-to-date address data

  • Prevents tax issues, fines, and criminal consequences

  • Supports reliable business data for decision-making and reporting

Want to see how your data declines?

This calculator is based on our insights from over 19,000 customers as well as a range of data metrics from sources such as The Office for National Statistics.

In the last year
1-2 years ago
Over 2 years ago

Check out our other resources on data quality

Eliminate Poor Data Quality in Shopify Plus with Loqate

May 2024

Find out how you can upgrade your data game

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